I've been experimenting lately with accelerating in HV mode (when my trip requires me to use some gas) and driving at a constant speed in EV mode. This seems to improve my mpg but it is making my expected EV range rather high. That is not good for short trips! It's better to have the car underestimate the EV range than overestimate it! (Being pleasantly surprised is nice. Having to unexpectedly fire up the ICE for the last 1/2 mile makes me crabby).
Coming back from the hardware store last night, I accelerated hard from the stop light. That produced a 25 mpg bar,in EV mode. I did pull away from all the traffic tho!
I drove home from Spokane Wa. and then another hwy trip right after that so about 1685 highway miles with zero electric to start. I left with out dealer charging up. hurry to get home. So a lot of EV since getting home. 20% EV 80% HV 610 EV miles 2365 HV 116 kwh 48 gal,s I have alot of slow surface streets. I drive 5 day's a week 16 miles round trip a day, someday's 2 round trips with no chargeing in between. Really happy! This tank 270 miles 228mpg! P.S. Also I was talking actual Mpg increase per trip.Today I went 18.4 EV. My starting EV mileage went from 12.3 now it is up to 13.8 mpg when I start the day.
Hey Gang, Although I said once, that I don’t care about little fractions of charging, I have to take my words back.)) Here is a phenomena, that I encountered today. I charged my PIP to 11.2 this morning. There is a hill next to my house going down. I am on top of the hill. I took a descending trip to the bottom of it. With B engaged At the end of descending I got 11.9 on the EV dial. Wow! Does it mean the normal AC charging doesn't put the full capacity in the battery? Ain't that a miracle? Anyone’s thoughts?
I did something like that last night... It was 11.4 when I unplugged from the wall here at work and went 22.3 miles towards home without using any (Gasoline) fuel. Wahoo!
interesting, i'm going to have to try it. i thought it did when i was going down hill on the highway.
OK, I will take your word for it Pardox, possibly the terrain in my suburbia is too gentle plus the fact that any downhill or glide or roll to a stop I kick it out of CC for regeneration. I would suppose that in your case, with a steeper hill you would keep it in CC even tho the car is moving faster than the set point, and then you observe regen? Or, do you put your foot on the brake pedal? Today's drive convinced me that in CC regen happens, Paradox is correct.
Something else I noticed with cruise control. On Friday, I was in EV mode and I had set cruise to ~55MPH. I came to a stop at a light. After turning green, I "manually" accelerated to about 40-45, but then hit the Resume on the cruise control to let the car accelerate up to the original 55. It was a slight incline, but the cruise control accelerated hard enough to start the ICE. I thought it would try to accelerate in all Eco, but I guess not.
In that case, the situation you described is odd (to me). I leave the house with a full charge (leave around 815-820AM, charging completes around 8AM, starts at 530AM). Its a short drive out of my neighborhood and then down a short hill to a Stop sign. After making a right, I head down a stretch of road that is slightly downhill. If I TRY to maximize regen down that stretch, my EV range will climb back up to what I left the house with. Additionally, the ICE will start. When I was logging (and I've logged this scenario twice), I saw that when the battery reaches 84% SoC, the ICE starts (a full charge showed 85.1%). So, you leave the house with 11.2 EV miles. How far does the EV range drop BEFORE you are able to regen up to 11.9? What I'm thinking is, if you drive a few miles really efficiently and then are able to regen a fair amount of EV range, then the 11.9 may just be a "revised" estimate based on the first few (more efficient) miles after you left the house. Essentially, if you left the house with a full battery and showing 11.2 EV miles, then the regen'ed 11.9 EV miles cannot possibly represent more than "a full battery" (which, from what I've seen, is ~85%). I just cant' see that happening. Can you describe this 11.2 -> 11.9 regen situation a bit more?
I have doubts that this is actually happening. In my best case to date, I went from a EV charge of > 10 miles to a total driving range of 25 miles. But never did the range ever return to 10 ! It is sort of like the Casino, even tho you seem to winning your bankroll is still decreasing. But, what do I know, I still have not tanked up ! :mod:
I know this is OT but vladkov, how do you get such clear shots of your instrument panel like at the end of your vid?? When I try to take a pic of my instruments I get poor contrast, at least on the right side of the panel, and even some blurring, yet the camera is very still. Yours look great!
I leave the house with 11.2 drive for about .2 .3 miles using EV down to 11.0 then there is a street called Tamarack, that goes down toward El Camino Real. It is a long and steady descend. At the bottom of the hill I look at the EV range it is 11.5 to 11.9 The scenario repeats each time I take that road. EV range climes to a higher number all the time, depending on the speed, braking or not, So, the bottom line. I gain more EV from descending than the from my outlet. The numbers that I gain vary, but they are always higher than when I left the house.
Yeah, I have a tough time wrapping my head around that (not the casino part, I know that part very well unfortunately). I've never seen regen like that myself, but there are so many things I feel we don't totally understand yet. That's part of the fun, I suppose .
when i leave my garage with 13.9, back out 70', it drops to 13.8 and put it in drive, go another hndred feet, it drops to 13.7. then as i drive, it begins to even out and i lose some and gain some as i drive. but i don't think the first 170' are eating up .2 kwh.