On Monday I struck a deal with a local dealer for a v5 w/ ATP / Blizzard Pearl w/ Dark Gray. Dealer had to locate as they only had black in stock. Went today (Friday) to pick up and trade my 2010 Ridgeline only to find the salesman ordered Super White! I was not caving in for the various antics the various employees tried in order to sell me the Super White. Dealer even lowered the price another 1K even with the 1.5K originally offered. Problem is... no Blizzard Pearl v5 w/ATP within 1000 miles of Connecticut and now it looks like 6 to 8 week wait. What about my trade? Offered a fair price but now I will probably add a few thousand miles in 6 to 8 weeks. Dealer said they would still honor trade but I have nothing in writing other than my 19 year old son as a witness. What would you do?
Wait for the car you want. No reason to compromise. Dealer says he'll honor the trade-in price, give him an opportunity to do it. Nothing to lose. You can always walk away from the deal. Of course, now that you've had time to think about, get a Prius III instead, less money, more options (power seats, solar sun roof) and 20% better mileage with little loss in room.
Quentin, Not sure where you are getting your info but V is available in both Super White and Blizzard Pearl.
Well, another grand off would be tempting, but not worth it since it will affect your happiness with the car. I guess hang tough and be patient, maybe one will become available sooner!
I agree with Quentin. I was curious and searched all available colors in the Prius lineup and only found Super White available on the C. If they got in a white v wagon it was Blizzard Pearl unless one one slipped in from Canada but its called Alpine White and only available on the base model. I got my info from the Toyota websites USA and Canada. As far as not liking the color, don't buy it if you don't like it. It's too big of a choice to let go at the last minute. I held out for my Blizzard Pearl even though they had to really hunt and trade 2 cars to get it. Andy
Have to concur with the others, all the info I've ever seen from Toyota indicate that the Prius v does not come in Super White in the US. I am sitting here with the latest US Prius v brochure and the only white color they are showing is Blizzard Pearl.
Super White IS available although it was not until recently. Southeast Toyota :: Prius V then click on Color, last color under Exterior
Doesn't matter what the dealer said. It won't stick. Not even with a witness. Get it in writing and have signed off by the manager. No one's gonna remember what's being said 6-8 weeks earlier. Another tactic that could also work is document the deal on video in its entirety. Wear a helmet cam or something. Not sure if the dealer will go for that but it could work.
This must be a regional difference. Could it be a staggered rollout? Or just a regional choice? The Toyota website asks for a zip code to get to detailed info, it did not occur to me before that the actual content would differ based on that.
Nothing to lose? He might lose out on the trade in value since it's not in writing. Also, your suggestion for this guy to ditch a ride over the color and get a whole different, smaller vehicle makes no sense. What would make more sense is to just go with the white and take the $1k break in price. It's not like he's going from blizzard pearl to pink. He's going from cream white to white. I'm starting to think you're regretting your purchase of the Prius III. What happened? Did you jump the gun with the III before the announcement of the v?
I'm in Los Angeles, and super white is not an available option here, as far as I can tell. I just saw some pics, and it's actually not bad. I think I might even prefer it over the blizzard pearl.
"so you didn't order the metallic pea?"...I actually think the Super White would be kinda cool on a V.
Dealer said he'd stick to it. If the value is fair, he has no reason not to. If he doesn't stick to it, not the place to do business. Nothing to lose. It's a car. It's a want. If he waits 6 weeks and wrong car, not the agreed on deal, he loses nothing. Paying less money, 20% better performance, necessary power seats, better options like solar roof . The size difference is minimal. Since the reason for buying any Prius is fuel savings 20% more savings for 20% less cost, makes a lot of sense. As for getting the car you are going to be driving around for next several years, absolutely get what you want in the color and options. There is no reason to compromise. It's a major life purchase. One only need look at the pics and conversations here to see how much the car means to people and their image.
The size difference is not minimal. The reason for buying a Prius v is that you get small CUV cargo space at ~70% better fuel efficiency. The v seems perfect for two groups that would otherwise be in something like a Rav4: dog owners, families with a new baby. I fall it the latter category. A weekend at my folks (220 mi away) would be a tough fit in a Prius liftback once you consider the jogging stroller, luggage, pack-n-play, etc. Even comparing the efficiency of the Prius and the v, the Prius is 13% more efficient in the city and 20% more efficient on the highway. At $4/gal gas, that only accounts for between $163 and $250 per year in fuel cost difference at 15k miles per year. Now, lets compare the v to a 4cyl Rav4. The v saves between $642 and $1363 per year. You have to look at this from the perspective of the minimum size vehicle a family needs. If I went with the Prius liftback, I'd end up taking my 4Runner more often than I would owning the v. Buying the v means the only time I'll have to take my 4Runner is when I want the 4WD or when I'm planning on heading offroad. That is odd that Super White is available. I ordered my v in Blizzard Pearl (and my 4Runner is BP), but I think that I'd like both in Super White. My GTI was a color a lot like Super White and, when clean, it was blindingly white. I liked it quite a lot. The pearl in the BP does make it look a little more luxurious, but that isn't really me. On my 4Runner, it looks nice in stock form, but if I eventually transition my 4Runner into my offroad only vehicle, the color will always give off that "luxury" vibe. It wouldn't fit. Super white should be easier to match should you get into a fender bender.