University of California, Riverside runs entire building floor off of 1.1-megawatt green battery -- Engadget
^^^ LOL! I hadn't heard that expansion for UCR before. I'd only heard ones for UCI, like University of Civics and Integras (when Integras were still sold) and University of Chinese Immigrants. I hear UCI had more recently become University of Civics and Infinitis.
^Lol, yeah! Here are a few more: UCD = University of Cow Dung UCLA = UC Lots of Asians UCSB = University of Casual Sex and Beer UCB = University of Cocky Bastards; University of Chinese Bookworms UCSD = UC of the Socially Dead; UC of Second Decisions UCR = UC Rejects; University w/ Crappy Reputation UCM = University of Convicted Molesters SDSU= Still Drunk, Still Uneducated And let's not forget our private schools! USC = University of Spoiled Children; University of Special Connections LMU = Low Mental Utilization WUSTL = Waitlist University in St. Louis ND = No Diversity MIT = Made in Taiwan NYU = Now You're Unemployed :focus: It is an interesting article.
^^^ LOL. I hadn't heard most of those other than ones for MIT, USC and UCLA. Funny enough, even though I went to UCLA, I hadn't heard UC Lots of Asians until I'd heard a response to the blonde UCLA girl's racist rant. (Well, some thought it was racist. I didn't care and wasn't offended.) I'd heard University of Caucasians Lost amongst Asians and Under Construction Like Always. Both seemed kinda true.
Personally, I thought the UCLA girl's rant was hilarious. "Ching chong ling long ting tong?" That is comic gold. The problem (and reason for the outrage) was that she was completely ignorant.
I'm going to go check this out tomorrow as i am visiting my girlfriend and typing from UCR right now actually...
I object! There is no such place as UCB. The University of California is located in Berkeley. The proper abbreviation is UC. The remote campuses all have their city appended to the mother designation.
Off-topic: While it is nice that they are performing the experiment, the experiment itself isn't green. Grid-tie would likely be more green. Obligatory power/energy rant: What is a 1.1 Megawatt Battery?
They failed in reporting, its a 1.1 Mwh bank of batteries. Here are the details UCR Today: Engineers Flip the Switch to Battery Power at Winston Chung Hall The bank of batteries appears to be grid tied, and helping to balance peak loads by storing off peak generation.
Am I the only one thinking Lithium is not a rare earth? I wonder what fact was distorted into that statement?
Here are some quotes from the battery companies web site: "We have two RE lithium batteries: one is the rare-earth yttrium lithium battery with the energy density of 150 ~ 190WH/KG (this battery is used mainly for storage). The other is a lithium-sulfur battery with the energy density of 1200WH/KG." "Winston Chung: God has a little unfair. Rare earth resources are mainly distributed in China which is followed by the United States. My battery just takes the rare earth as an additive. So, the quantity of it in my product is very low. It just uses a number of rare earths." (PS. I'm the messenger, not the message.)
China is now the biggest rare earth miner/user/exporter (or export limiter if you like). But the more recent global assessments indicate that it is not the largest depository. That would be Brazil (that url is scary long so if it does not work let me know) should give you a pdf from The Journal of Rare Earths. See Figs. 3 and 4. Brazil is largest pie slice, with Vietnam also large compared to its small size. This info contributed to my gloomy assessment of the future of tropical forests, at a recent meeting about them. The optimists held that the ecotourism, carbon-sequestration, and other ecosystem services would eventually convince stakeholders to preserve the remaining (fragments). I said they were looking at only the forests. The full view considers what is under them also. And what is under many of them are mineral resources, not only REs. So yes, I would agree that "God has a little unkind" this is classic Chinglish in that the verbs are not different in Mandarin.
I'm sure Mandarin is Chungs first language, he lives in Beijing. It seems strange that he has chosen UC Riverside for his battery endowments Any insights?
@14 no insights at all. I am looking for high E-density batteries to help a friend with a project. Ideally, some company would donate/discount, and in return could advertise that they were preforming nifty ecological research. Here may be another candidate.
I'd hate to think what the replacement cost is once it's life expectancy is reached. It'll make EV battery replacement cost pale in comparison ... even the cost for the entire EV fleet. .
Its just a small one China Builds the World's Largest Battery, a Building-Sized, 36-Megawatt-Hour Behemoth | Popular Science In places with hydro pumped storage can be used, but for other places its batteries or fuel cells. Well in texas its natural gas filing in the peaks and valleys of wind and demand.