That aint right, not that I'm against breastfeeding, but because "baby" doesn't look 3 years old. He's standing up for petes sake.
I must be out of the loop. I think that is just wierd. I don't think June Cleaver would pose for that.
There is still a Time Magazine? This has more to do with readership leaving than anything else. Of course the fact that this will cause more readers to leave seems to have escaped the publisher.
Yeah I didn't realize they were around either. Something tells me that if after making adolf hitler man of the year didn't put them under, this won't.
^ they also named Stalin then Ayatollah Khomeini Man of the Year ___________________ Whatever potential benefit extended breast-feeding may have for this young man, it's going to backfire once he gets teased in school - expect it will be brutal. Why do I group this breast-feeding mom with the tanning mom?
Guess what that poor kid is going to hear all through high school, and college? Anyway, if filter failure works for tv and the internet, why not print media? Just load 'em up with crap and let 'em bounce around like excited apes. So much for journalistic integrity.
LOL! I was thinking of posting this after reading about it last night and skimming parts of the Tivocommunity thread "Should we just go ahead and talk about the new Time Magazine cover?". But then I thought...nah, maybe I'd be committing a NSFW infraction. Since there's a much larger percentages of females and mothers there, there's been quite interesting and polarizing discussion, including some funny replies along w/it going OT about women putting their careers ahead of children, why should it be anyone's business what people do behind closed doors, etc. Here are some quotes from different people... in reply to the above in reply to the above: Anyhow, Time sure found a way to attract attention and provoke discussion.
Weird...apparantly the cover is a real mom/3 year old son. I had seen some segment awhile ago about moms breastfeeding kids at really extreme ages (like while teens)! I don't understand it myself, but Time doesn't seem to be condoning or condemning. This seems to be getting the effect that Time Magazine was hoping for: more attention = sales. Jamie Lynne Grumet, Breastfeeding Mom On 'TIME Magazine' Cover, Illustrates Attachment Parenting What I find odd about American TV is that showing carnage, death, even *accepted* number of curse words per episode is OK....but show a bare nipple, no way.
^^^ Yep, we have very odd standards when it comes to TV and what's allowed in many forms of media. As one of my former roommates from Canada put it, "we're not born w/clothes". I was at his place (in Canada) one time, and there was some edited version of an American movie on TV (I believe he could pick up stations from the US) and I kept hearing "flip you".
The term 'TV' is too broad to understand the issues. The FCC broadcast rules cover the free programs broadcast over a limited public resource, the airwaves, which by other policy is intended to be viewed by anyone of any (im)maturity level, including those who have not yet developed any maturity to turn off the switch when the content is inappropriate. America was found by prudes, many whom still wish some basic control and ability to censor what their young and impressionable children are exposed to. Canada was partially settled by folks who didn't agree with the American Revolution, so it is no surprise they have different laws. These same restrictions do not apply to cable and satellite programming and most print media, because these media are 'opt-in'. Viewers need to subscribe or pay to view or read. If they don't want their children to see the available programming, they can choose to not subscribe.