I am not racist, I am merely playing devils advocate as well as pointing out the existing double entendre that white on black violence is met with media outcry and demonization, while black on white violence is not. Also I am pointing out the fact that when a person speaks of the double entendre, it is implied that he/she is a racist, as you have implied here. Ad hominem reasoning is a logical fallacy. Person A doesn't agree with what person B is saying, so (insert ignorant assumption about person A here). Please stop this, it makes you sound ignorant. "...the supposed nastiness of the other side" isn't "supposed" at all. It is a fact that has been documented numerous times over.
Outrage? Verna Deann McClain: Nurse 'shot Kayla Marie Golden and ripped baby son from her arms' | Mail Online
I believe generalizing violent acts just towards certain racial groups is what keeps the racial divide wide open. There are troubled youths: both black and white that have the capacity for violence. That does not make it OK to then try to paint all blacks as being thugs or their homicide justified if they fit just discriminatory suspicions that any black kid wearing a hoodie must be a thug. I would think the best way to shore up racial bigotry is to not start with a conspiracy bias of white on black violence being different then black on white violence. Rather, looking at each case individually to see if there are ways to prevent some youths from falling into gangs or to prevent others from destroying themselves with "vigilantism", seems like a more sane approach and less racially charged.
Only one thing cost Martin his life: Zimmerman's gun. How much "thug culture" influenced Zimmerman or Martin is what will continued to be twisted by all media outlets.
I do have a problem with these white folk in hoodies during last week's local 'celebrations'. This and the next ~10 photos. The more colorful events later in the day were more peaceful.
I know nothing about Facebook or Zuckerberg's ability to run a company, but the suggestion in the article that he's incapable of running the company because he's "too immature" to wear a business suit, is extraordinarily stupid. A business suit is a uniform. Uniforms are required in the military and Catholic school, two places where the people in charge want to erase all differences and make everyone into machines. There is nothing "mature" about wearing a business suit. What a business suit actually demonstrates is a desire to conform to the herd, to be just like everyone else. I am not going to buy any Facebook stock. I think it has too little potential and too much risk. And I know nothing about Zuckerberg. But his clothing choice is the stupidest reason imaginable to buy or not buy the stock.
Would you wear a hoodie to an interview? An important business meeting should be treated like an interview with attire the people running it expect....I'm not sure even business casual (polo shirt and Dockers) would have been enough for Zuckerberg in this situation. The investors were running the meeting - any good salesperson is going to adapt and in doing so gain their good will. What we wear is dictated by the circumstances....when I leave the house I dress up, in a serious business meeting I dress up more. Things are more casual than fifty years ago...remember when guys always dressed up in a business suit on TV? It's not always right, but first impressions are critical. Before you even say a word, strangers check out your body language, disposition, what you wear, and how well kept it is. That's why people that are frequently in the public eye often wear suits. Granted, they can be an empty suit. Being good at what you do is the most important thing, but people/social skills also factor in. Until the late 1990's IBM had a strict dress code...the competition was obligated to follow suit (pardon the pun.) The assumption is sloppy suggests that person is less professional, less intelligent, less respectful. I find myself making similar judgements on posts - Complete, and articulate sentences are better than ones that look like texting...so in that respect you "dress up" Daniel. Zuckerberg is well known enough he can get some leverage, but he did not have it in this situation
P.S. Strangers tend to view beards more negatively, probably not as much as the past. http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/10/11623486-sorry-guys-we-judge-you-by-your-facial-hair
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