Um, FWIW, the chart compares several vehicles, not just one. For the purchase price I paid for the Prius, Toyota has hit the the affordability for the masses. They got the market pretty much captured. Also, I am happy that Toyota does not rely on a taxpayer (yours and my hard earned $$$) bailout (like GM). DBCassidy
I was only referring the payback. The reference is complete bollocks in that regard. 1.8 years... right.
If you are afraid of criticism from a Prius owner point of view, what is your purpose of posting here? I have enjoyed the information you have shared here so far, thanks. However, refusing to share what your commute is like, leads me to believe that you have something to hide. I am looking for a constructive discussion and we can't do that without basic information. Yes, it is nicely tuned (like most GM cars) and has that SUV weight that gives firmly planted feel on the ground. Great, if that's all you want. For me, that SUV weight is a turn off, even if it runs on electricity. It still has torsion beam rear suspension like the Cruz and halogen headlights. The suspension is not quite at a level of CT200h. Even Prius has an option for LED headlights. So, you are not after high performance in efficiency or low emission. You are after the feel of driving a BEV at high acceleration and high speed. You enjoy the separation of electric and gasoline by driving distance. I like the blend of them based on driving conditions. You only want to use gas engine to get more range but not for power, heat nor to lower electricity consumption. Running the gas engine may bother you but lugging it around using electricity doesn't?
Actually it does not compare to multiple vehicles, for each hybrid it chose just one for the pay-back analysis. It did consider many different hybrids. It decided to compare the prius to the camery as opposed to say the Yaris, But it compared the Volt to the Cruze eco as opposed to say a CTS (which is probably the closest GM product). The authors of the study, which was not the NYT (they just republished it), could choose different cars to make their point. Comparing pricing for an 11 year old product with a new concept is not very meaningful, but its good you are happy with your prius. They are fine car for the masses. Hopefully, in a decade, the Volt will be too. I'm happy my money, from the purchase and for my fuel, is going to American companies. I don't mind paying taxes, with them I buy civilization.
Last 30 days graph. edit: I may have finally figured out how to post pictures. edit edit: or not... edit edit edit: maybe now? This is my mileage graph from the website for the past 30 days. I think it does a good job of showing why the Volt is a good fit for me on a usage basis. there were two days when a Pip (or perhaps even prius) would have been more efficient and a Leaf too limited, the rest of the month I was right in the Volt sweet spot.
Yea, Leaf would not work for you. We calculated before with your charging pattern. Prius PHV would do a lot of electric miles with the number of recharges and per trip distance you do. I think both the Volt and Prius PHV are a good fit for you. I think Prius PHV would use less electricity and possibly less gas as well.
What an irony, eh? All that costly battery, just sitting there doing nothing . . . as though the PiP designers knew what they were doing. Really? It couldn't be because he wanted to know? That's what I thought ... but it'd be weird if I posted, "why is scott so suspicious" ... so one tries to think the best. See, even my comment on PiP battery size vs Volt battery size is not 'flame' suspect ... it's a statement that both vehicles have advantages / disadvantages, which we talk about ad nausium. ok now ... deep breath ... peace & love .
This is the key to much of the misunderstanding here, to know what a good fit is for me you have to know more about me. For those that don't know I charge at home and at work, with about a 20 mile one way commute. If I had a Pip I would use a full charge on the way to work, run around at lunch time on electric, and use another full charge on the way home. I'd also use gas for half my trip each way. I'd certainly use less electric in a Pip, but that doesn't mean anything to me, I'd even use less electric in my dad's diesel pick up. On that normal commute I'd certainly use less gas in the Volt (often none at all), whether I'd use less over a week or month would depend on how many of those longer trips I need to make (2 in the last 30 days). I get my electric at home from solar and from work for free, electrical efficiency isn't that big of a deal for me. I value oil independence, driving a well appointed car, and the electric driving experience. A pip would be an okay fit, a good fit even if the Volt did not exist. If I had waited for a Pip (been driving the Volt for 13+ months), I could have moved closer to oil independence by getting a very efficient car (compared to my Gen I prius), I could have afforded to spring for the advanced package (and could have further sprung for after market leather like Dianne was suggesting to some), and I could have driven 1/2 way to work and home on electric everyday. The Volt is a better fit, I get to use no oil on many normal days, I am very happy with the fit and trim, and I love the acceleration and silent high speed EV driving which I wouldn't get to do in a Pip. Different people with different values would come up with a different fit for them. Thats a good thing. I want all plug ins to do well. I really don't get some of the apparent and thinly veiled animosity on here.
Don't get too angry, but why in the world not? You should take it. The plug in prius buyers are certainly taking their smaller tax credit. I personally believe all the hate for the volt is partially b/c it is simply an enjoyable car using only electricity. It is fun to drive. That is a horrible thing to many people. It isn't tesla fun though don't get me wrong
GM markets Volt as an EV but focuses only on gasoline consumption and avoid reporting electricity usage. It is starting to change as this thread indicates but it took almost 3 years to get this far. I am all for using electricity responsively. It doesn't matter what brand.
It may not be anger, SOME SIMPLY USE TOO MANY CAPS . . . and . . . it may be that when he says, "I DID NOT TAKE THE TAX CREDIT" . . . he only means that it wasn't available to him. We didn't take the $7,500 credit for our EV, because we didn't owe any tax ... and the credit doesn't carry over to the next year. It was strategically a poor tax prep issue that our accountant could have avoided (by taking other deductions in another year ... or converting an IRA over to a ROTH to generate more tax liability, etc) . . . but that's water under the bridge. :Cry: .
I be very surprised if the volt is still around. Well I guess will keep driving my EV-1, OH, NO, I can't GM (Government Motors) took it back from me and had it CRUSHED What a bummer!!! DBCAssidy
You guys are clever in your "nice" and "innocent" postings. You did make me smile, tho. I pointed out a time or two that the 9 mile average PER TRIP was for a strange week. As well it is PER TRIP not PER DAY. Example on 5/3/2012 I had 5 "trips" at 10, 10, 7, 6, 1 totaling 34 miles that DAY. There is a case in point of you guys isolating on one aspect or detail (9/trip) and ignoring the others!! In that same post I had 30 day data as well where I clearly went over 9 miles on trips. The kWh charges give you an idea of how far that charge meant in terms of miles. As I pointed out if you see a summation of rows for a day or an individual charge over 10 kWh then I went over 40 miles on the battery and possibly some on gas. In spring/summer/fall I'm getting about 4+ miles per kWh (ie. 10 kWh I can go 40+ electric miles). My drive to/from work now (since a building change a couple weeks back is 10 miles each way) but a few times a week I do other sporting activities that take me another 20 or more miles(see 30 day tables). See my 6Sat2011 post above where I provided details on the driving condition - temp and speeds. Clearly I was showing details!! I even got 49 MPG on just the gas miles and gas usage that day. My total miles that day was 68. MyVolt.COM charging details for last 30 days using download option
Hello everyone My name is Alan , I have been a member of this forum since 2004 I have owned a 2004 Prius and a 2007 prius, loved both of them. I decided I wanted a new car last month and looked a the Chevy volt and the new Prius After deriving the Volt and the new Prius, I decided to purchase a Volt. I am very impressed with the quality of the Volt , the looks , the Ride, the POWER ,after 800 miles , I have not used ANY gas yet. If you drive this car like a prius you can get as much a 50 miles on a charge and with the 240 charger , it will charge up in 4 hrs. Don’t get me wrong I really loved my Prius(s) (i) But they do not compare to the Volt So if youe are ready for a new car, before you make a desicion, Drive both
Good "de-ja-vu" catching eye Mark . . . I thought I'd been caught in the Matrix. Who knew the puffery-bots were so prevalent. Didn't even change a single word. Maybe that makes it more sincere.
He's been a member here since Nov 2004 so not sure why he should be doubted. That and the Prius is the most commonly trade in vehicle for the Volt. GM: 90% of Chevy Volt customers are new to GM, most trading in a Prius Prius owners are trading into electric vehicles -