Such a good idea! And if it ran the length of the compartment, with a standard offering and a customizable fabric option, it would be so perfect!
Still no swag for me. Not sure if the dealers received any or if its supposed to come directly to me.
Ah, mine arrived in the mail today! Only one bag, not two as I thought someone mentioned. Very nice. Anyone got a pic of the sticker affixed to your PiP? I'd love to see how it looks in place! radio
" Look at jpg in first post; sticker in lower right." Ah, thanks crewdog! That's a good place for it but that's not the sticker that I got. I just took a picture of it and it's kinda hard to see but I think this one might be a little bit larger. The view out of the rear window is so precious that I almost don't want put anything there that might further reduce my rear vision. But having said that, it does seem like the coolest place looks-wise....
I got a single bag and sticker that both have "Prius Plug-in Hybrid" written on them. The card was signed "Prius Team", so I think it is different swag from Toyota, not PriusChat.
Wait, so you guys got a "swag package" from Toyota/Prius Team with a Prius Plug-In Hybrid sticker, a bag, and a Prius Night Light? AND you some of you guys already got your Priuschat swag bag too? I havent gotten either yet
:violin:Oh man! I want some swag!!! My birthday is May 20th...doesn't that deserve something? (I know - everybody has a birthday every year, but I'm getting REALLY OLD!!!) Can't you guys hear me whining? :hurt:
I'm trying to gather everything I am able to get the swag mailed. Or, if you motor by, stop by and grab it... it's pretty cool.
The night lite, bag with the Plug-in logo on it and plug-in decal (it's clear with a color/chrome logo) is from the Prius Team as a thank you for purchasing through the online order process. They are going out in batches as the cars get sold to their original orderer or someone in their household (per the rules of the online orders). I'd expect them all to be delivered by roughly end of this month, but it's dependent on when the very last online order gets retailed. Best, Erica Gartsbeyn Prius Product Manager Toyota USA
Mine and my fathers just showed up today Erica, Thank You. My son, when he got home from school and saw the night lite, said that's going in my room Daddy! Lol.
I received my swag from Erica and the Prius Team yesterday. But I wasn't going to let the cat out of the bag (pun intended) so as not to upset people further down on the list. I did kind of wonder if some posters who reported receiving one bag and a sticker had not noticed the card from Erica, and thought the swag was the stuff from Danny. Anyway, I now have three Plug-in Prius bags to put with our grocery store reusable bags. Cool! Thank you to Erica, Dianne and Danny :cheer2:
yep just got my nightlight, bag and sticker. kids already laid claim to the nightlight. thanks prius team!