So we are into our third week of v ownership and live in a fairly populated metro area, have been really looking, and have yet to see another v on the road! I know that the dealers are selling them as soon as they get them, but it still seems there are few on the road yet(?). I was told by the dealer that Toyota has limited V export ability because of Japan's own version of a clunker bill. Does anyone know if this is true? Is anyone else spotting v's on their daily commute?
I had one in front of me going to work the other day, and that was the first I had seen on the road since they came out. And I live in NYC where you think you would see more. I've also only seen one Prius c on the road since they came out.
v wagon's aren't rare here. I see them at least once a week. I haven't seen a single Prius c on the road though.
In San Diego I have probably had over 20 v sightings including a few v cabs. Some probably repeat sightings. There are at least 3 in my neighborhood. None look as nice as mine though.
One month ago I was in Lakeland Fl, parked in a shopping center parking lot. When I came out of the store and got to my car, there was a prius vee parked two cars away from mine. It also was the same color (gray metalic). That was only the second one I had seen since I bought mine in late Oct. 20011. Have not seen any since I returned to Pa. about 3 weeks ago, Including non at the dealers. easted
I have seen 3 or 4 on the road. They are rare in the dealership lots in Indianapolis. I deal with two Toyota dealers and each has only 1 v on the lot.
I usually see at least 1 each way on my commute here in SF bay area ( not the same one I think!). I was in Vancouver Canada recently, and saw lots of v cabs there. I spotted my first c on the road this past weekend.
I have not seen one on the road. Been looking for 2 months. Not one. Mine is on a ship coming from Japan. Should be here next week. Can't wait.
I've seen three, including one in Blue Ribbon Metallic, which is my color. I too have one soon to be on the boat, can't wait!
There's one in my city (pop ~15k) and I've seen a few more, including one in Brunswick and one in Portland. I took a peek inside the v in Portland (that had MA* plates on it) while my wife bought a cupcake. Needless to say we both think each other has their priorities wrong. Still on seen 2 cs, but I'm sure more will gradually appear. * +sshole
I had my v for over a month, and had not seen one, but just this weekend we saw a white, a silver, and a sky blue. Fortunately no magnetic gray ones like mine, although there is a mag gray c in the parking lot at work.
Since we purchased ours in late Feb I've seen one blizzard pearl and one blue ribbon metallic in this area both passing going the opposite direction; and a blizzard pearl while on vacation. Surprisingly nothing yet in magnetic gray besides the one in the garage. I do get curious looks at times. W
I've owned mine for nearly 6 months. I've seen probably 5 or 6 in the NYC area (red, blue, black, gray and 2 NYC yellow cabs).
I bought my v the week they came out... and didn't see another one on the road for at least 4 months. I've seen probably 10 in the last 2 months, and a few days ago saw my first C (boy, that's a tiny car...). Me and the C driver both slowed down and checked out the other 'other Prius'.
Saw One at Carlsbad Caverns We were driving into Carlsbad Caverns N.P last Sunday (5/6/12) and saw one driving out. I've been meaning to ask whether it was another PC poster. It was Blizzard Pearl, just like ours.
I've seen two Magnetic Grey in my area (one heading south on 128 near Beverly and the other at Tufts University). I still haven't seen a Prius C yet (besides mine =) )