i believe this all came about when the gov restricted price hikes and the utilities responded by setting up multiple corps and charging each other separate fees that all wind up on your bill with no governmenat response.
12.2 this morning. The pattern is very easy to see at this point. It's clearly estimating range based on previous drive data. .
9.6 last charge. The last few times have been around 10 or 10.5. Most of my driving lately has been around my residential neighborhood - 25-30 MPH max, lots of stop signs, up and down some hills. Maybe that explains the low values.
I'm now up to 11.9 in reality though, I get much more. Without regen on the freeway at 55, my best is 14.4 before the ice comes on. I'd get about 1 mile more if I slowed to 42.
mine is pretty locked in at 13.9 for some reason but i generally commute 14.8 with .4 left when i get home if i'm careful.
I have been trying something different. The last two miles to my house are uphill - from very slight to moderate. About a mile before I get to that area, I am switching to HV mode. I was at 11.4 when I started this test and over the last two mornings I have seen my charge level move to 11.6 and 11.8. I am going to continue to do this to see what it will get to and post back.
First E-bill: .0794/kWh - special off-peak rate for charging electric vehicle on its own meter. I am fairly consistently seeing a 'full charge' of 10.6 every morning, but I manage to make the 12 mile round-trip to/from work on EV. I believe the regenerative braking helps a lot as does the regeneration when I take my foot off the gas. OK- well, it helps enough to get me home on EV.
I am finding the number doesn't tell the entire story, even though it might say "11.9", I make the 14.9 mile drive in on the expressway in EV most days... Today I had .8 miles of EV range left... When you coast downhill, a lot gets regenerated, is what I am finding. I can also get to 64-65 mph without the ICE starting, so I try to keep it below that, it also helps that there is a lot of stop and go traffic, it really shines coasting on downhill stretches (more regeneration)
I wonder, when you reconnect the battery, does it reset anything else? Asking, because I want to try it. Mine showed 12.1 after the first time I fully charged it. Never has been any higher. I bought it on April 13Th. Few days later a full charge shows only 11.2-11.5. I read the threads and understood it is learning your driving habits. I was going to call the dealer and request the battery check. Now I'll wait, and test this theory of car adjusting to your style. I'll make myself to be easy on the throttle and not use EV on a freeway for a week or so. Let's see what happens...
I had mine into the dealer twice to be checked. I really don't think that there is much that they are going to able to tell you - as there was not much that they told me...other than everything is operating properly. However, as mentioned above, I have been switching to HV on the hills...and this morning I was up to 12.2 when I started the car.....making progress....
Still getting est. range of 13.2 -13.5 after three weeks. However, the actual always ends up being greater. More like 18-20. It is easy to put charge back into the system fairly quickly with a combination of pulsing and braking down hills.
Forgive me if I am misunderstanding, but if some of your 18 to 20 miles of EV were generated via pulsing and braking then they really shouldn't have been counted as EV miles in the first place (and your 13.2-13.5 estimate may be correct).
But the poll question simply asked what the EV range is at startup, and bfd posted his estimated range. As we all know, YMMV, and if you are able to get more EV range by braking, etc that certainly counts as EV miles. What else would you call it? If the ICE ain't running and you're moving, you are on EV! In my case, the estimated range now is pretty consistent at 14.2-14.3, and I can usually get that, in spite of a couple of hills in my local surface street driving. But what I am trying for is actual mileage of at least 15 on each charge (what they told us we could expect originally). My highest EV only was 15.4 a couple of times. I consider that satisfactory, but I'd sure like to do better.
I voted in the 13.0-13.4 mile category but, with the warm weather, my estimated full charge range is growing higher and is now over 14 miles. Gotta love that!
Instead of speculating, does anybody know whether the initial range estimate varies based on your previous driving or other (please specify) factors? My readout has steadily been going down even though I am careful to have all fans and accessories off at the end of each trip (and, therefore, during a charge and upon start-up). In the first week or so with my PiP, the initial readout was above 12. In the third week, it is down to 10.7. Because I have not had a regular commuting routine, I cannot tell you whether my actual performance has similarly slipped more than 10%. But I am concerned about the readout, in case it means that the hybrid battery is holding less of a charge so soon after the car's purchase. Toyota - this is something you should already know!
Mine steadily went down too. Now mine is climbing back up. You'll see the pattern after awhile. There's been a direct corelation between HV driving and EV driving. More HV makes it go down and more EV makes it go up.
Where you drive can impact the range significantly. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the last two miles to my home is slightly to moderately uphill. I have been engaging the HV battery about a mile before I get to that area. In a little over a week, I have seen my EV range at startup go from 11.4 to 12.8 when fully charged. I'll post back in another week or so to report how much I have raised it.
I did get a separate meter for PIP. I can only get the much lower rates by using a separate meter, which cost all of $200 to have the electrician install the hardware. My electric company came out and installed the guts for free. I will amortize that cost within 18 months, at most, given the big discount in rates.