Is this normal? When approaching the car from any direction, if I am within a couple of feet of a door, the door automatically unlocks. It's wicked cool and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that it does this but....I don't think it's supposed to. I only have the only FOB that works (I have another but either the battery is dead or the fob is dead) so I can't test to see if it does it with both. I searched on here, I looked through the owners manual, and searched Google but I don't see anything saying this is something that is supposed to happen. The doors don't lock automatically, and if I press the door button to lock the car it doesn't unlock again. It only seems to unlock if I walk up to it locked and stand there for a few seconds. Thoughts? Is this a mod people do?
If you approach the car, the interior lights may turn on but the door should not automatically unlock until you touch a front door handle. If the door actually unlocks (look at the interior door lock knob to see that it shows red, thus indicating unlocked status) then the door lock system is not operating normally. Since you LOVE that the car performs that way, I suppose no action is required. I recommend that you take remedial action regarding the non-working fob so that you are not stuck high and dry when the one working fob decides to die.
On my 06 It require that I touch the inside portion of the handle and apply some pressure before the doors unlock. Maybe they are not locking on your car? Can you hear the doors when they activate and unlock? H
It is a known condition that when hand washing your car, and it is locked, it may unlock at times during the washing process and then will re-lock after a short time (~5 sec. which is normal if the door is not opened after being unlocked.) This apparently happens due to the proximity of the fob in your pocket and the water on the door handle sensor changing its sensitivity. I suspect that what you are experiencing is a related effect. Cleaning the inside of the door handle might remedy your situation, although, it doesn't sound like it is a problem (and you like it).
When I put fresh batteries in the FOB, as my hand approaches the handle, I hear it unlock, by that time I am starting the pull motion to open the door. I like that it works that way, I would not fix a thing! Update, since I posted this, my other FOB died! Since I had a 2nd 2032, I rebatteried it, now the car lights up when I am still 5 ft away! The locks however, I still have to touch the handle. I notice with a fresh battery, the quicker the response time in handle touch to unlock time!
Mine does not seem to unlock this way but REALLY REALLY would love it too. But i'm gonna check a bit and see if it's not me just being new to the vehicle. Glad I used the search button
Something else that comes to mind would be the 12V aux battery. There is usually someone who posts whenever there are suspicious electrical issues, where is that guy ... I would check the status of the 12V with any strange electrical behavior.