I'm looking for shop manuals for a 2003. I can't afford the $ for the hard copy from Toyota and haven't been able to find used ones on Ebay or Amazon for a good price. There's a CD version now up on Ebay. I tried to post a link to it, but I haven't made 5 posts to this forum, so it won't take. Please go to Ebay and search: "Toyota Prius HyBrid 2003 Repair Manual" Any ideas on this or other sources of manuals is appreciated. I noted an earlier thread about a downloadable copy that came from a phishing site along with a trojan horse. I'd like to avoid that. Thanks, Peter
Peter, I might be looking for the same data here real soon. Looks like we both have something to repair. As far as what you saw, what would be a good price? I saw there was a subscription service to get the technical data, but have not seen the price. If the CD is cheaper and includes the same data, then that would be a no brainer. I am looking to possibly have to repair the brake control system, rather a component thereof. Mine is a 2003 with 165,000 on it. Talk to you later..... -M&M
Safest bet is to log into techinfo.toyota.com, pay $15for a 72 hour basic subscription, and download the information that you need now and think that you might need in the future. https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/appmanager/t3/ti?_pageLabel=ti_whats_tis&_nfpb=true
Try 1-800-782-4356 it's a publishing Co. in MI thas still prints and sells maint. & owner Manuals for older Priuses and other brands
Okay, that's Helm, Inc., so it's legit. In the past they have been the publisher/distributor for many brands' service manuals but not for Toyota, who handled their own. I see that they now say ("NEW!") that they've added Toyota. They want $70 each for the manual vols. 1 and 2 plus $60 for the wiring diagram. They also have the New Car Features manual (you have to look under 2001, when it was a new car) for $30, which is very useful because it explains how everything is supposed to work, where the shop manuals sort of assume you know. I don't know how much you can or can't afford, but you'd be hard pressed to find a better $230 investment if you are planning to take care of your Prius. But that's not your only option: as seilerts pointed out, you can also access all the same documents on techinfo.toyota.com at $15 for a two-day period (I thought; seilerts said 72 hours, maybe that's right). Some people may have done the short subscription and used the time to just download every section and have the complete manual set for their own use. That's a really nice service Toyota provides, so just please don't abuse it by burning CDs to sell on eBay, or rewarding some jerk who's doing that. :mmph: -Chap