I searched threads in this forum and the Gen III accessories forum to learn what people are doing in terms of clear bra. Didn't find too much recent info. Unfortunately, I was not well educated re: clear bra and didn't understand that the $395 Toyota factory option wasn't such a good deal. In any event, I've got it now. Live and learn. But now I need to decide where to go from here. Back to the dealer to get the full treatment? To a private installer? Keep what I have and add to it, or remove what I have and start all over? The other question I have is about hood coverage...is covering just the front half the hood the standard approach? Thanks in advance for any insights. Regards, Chris
I'm not sure I'm 100% clear on what you are unhappy about, or actually asking about? I take it, you are unsatisfied with the amount of coverage that the dealer installed clear bra provides? And believe you were overcharged for what you received? Well? All I can tell you, is I have dealer installed 3M clear bra on my Honda Fit. I can't remember what I paid. But I can say the coverage is only about 1/2 the Hood. Obviously, parts uncovered...are unprotected. But for me? The Hood Coverage is enough. It is protecting the most visible and obvious part of the vehicle that is likely to pick up chips in normal driving conditions. 2 years + and still looking good. If you want more? Then you are going to have to pay more. If you start over? You aren't going to "save" any money, infact the $395 you've already spent will of been wasted. In my case, the dealership actually had clearbra installation done by a nearby independent shop, that contracted to work for the dealership. If you are not unhappy with the product, and only want to investigate additional coverage, but don't trust or think the Dealership pricing is fair? You could try to find out where they have the work done, then go there independently and ask how much they would charge you off the street to add additional coverage. I don't know how this may or maynot affect any accessory warranty Toyota might provide. Good Luck. After two years? I'm happy with my clearbra, and at least in the enviroment I drive in which is mostly surburban...the 1/2 coverage on the hood, seems adequate.
Really depends on your driving. I didn't have a clear cover or any cover on my Gran Prix. No problems. None on my Explorer or Escape. Both driving in Oregon where they use gravel instead of salt on the snow and ice and I go skiing. I did add it to the Prius because of the gravel put down for the snow. Unless you drive where you see a lot of dirt roads or gravel on the snow, you probably don't need the clear paint protection. If you do have those conditions, then yes, get the nose done because the thin strip Toyota sells for $395 does very little. You want the whole front fender, half the hood, the front edge of the front fenders and the fronts of the mirrors.
Go with preinstall option... The best $ i got was 650 but that was with headlight, mirrors and door handle pocket(?)
That is about what I paid 3 years ago for my 09 Prius. 1/2 hood, fenders full bumper, lights, mirrors, under the door handles, and door edges. There is some labor involved in getting the front end and bumper done correctly. The pre-install option at PORT is apparently ONLY the 1/2 hood and fender. Leaves the bumpers, lights, etc. unprotected.
Premier Contact Information Use these guys if there are near you...Fremont....First class job....and will do a custom wrap...
I was very dissapointed with the factory clear bra option. They use a much thicker product and did not wrap the edges around the parts covered. I had it all removed and got the front bumper, whole hood, and both fenders, both mirrors, and in front of rear wheel wells covered.The shop I used offers 3M venture shield. I had 2 other cars covered including my 1993 RX 7, black with 3M roadblock, an older version of clear protection.3M is the leader in this area and Im very dissapointed toyota uses a thicker inferior product.Live and learn.
Its always best to get with a solid reputable installer, someone like Premier, who will custom install it on your car the right way. On my cars I choose not to go this route, it often yellows and looks like crap after 2-3 years much worst than a few rock chips (your results may vary).
Yes, I did. I got the notice about being able to remove it from my order before March 12, but as I said, I was not well educated about the whole subject and didn't consider the importance of covering the entire bumper, for example. I guess part of my motivation is that I look at the hood of my wife's 2004 Prius and it's covered with all sorts of little dings and scratches from the leading edge almost to the back edge of the hood, just from normal freeway driving here in the SF Bay Area. I'd hate to see my sweet new ride end up like that! Regards, Chris
We suggest is full coverage on the hood, bikini fenders, mirrors, lights and full front bumper. The hood angle on the Prius demands full coverage. Also have the edges wrapped. The toyota option is costly with limited coverage.
Just to close the loop...based on recommendations I tried Premier in Fremont. Had the hood and front fenders completely wrapped, and used a kit on the bumper. It was not cheap...and I had to wait quite a while for a Saturday appointment...but the workmanship is impeccible. I'm very happy. Thanks for all the advice, Chris