So I've now read a couple different reviews (online and print), all of which say its a good overall car, but not worth the price. Most of them compare it to the Yaris (which, yes I know its based off of), and state that the $5,000-$7,000 difference for just having a hybrid will take too long to pay off and to just get the Yaris with 32mpg vs 50. First off, I just went to the Toyota site and compared the Yaris 5 door SE to the Prius C Four, and the price difference is only $6,000. So In my opinion, although the outside is based off the Yaris, I think the inside is a lot better. I have the four, but leather seats, heated seats, tighter turning radius, more cargo room, and navigation with entune, are all easily worth the difference. You figure a navigation and entune upgrade on a regular car costs about $2500-3000 right there. They are right about one thing, the combined fuel economy is 32 vs. 50, which computes to about $675 more in fuel costs if you drive 15000 miles in a year at $4/gal (would take almost 9 years to break even). In the end, the Prius C is really only about $3000 more if you want a car with navigation and entune. So it will take only 4.5 years to pay the difference in gas, and this is assuming gas stays at $4/gal. If it goes up to $5 this summer or the next, you can cut that down to probably 3 years. Sorry guys, I just had to get that off my chest, it was bugging me!
For its size and weight, you would think it gets better gas mileage. I get 55 mpg too and mine is considered old by many people. That is the first reason. It's less refined than a regular Prius with poor sound insulation and its highest trim model is more expensive than the cheapest regular Prius. That is the second reason. It's just not the best bang for the buck. Nor is it revolutionary in design like the concept photos had suggested for years. It's only worth it if you really wanted a new car that was a hybrid and you really only had $20,000 to spend. Just playing devil's advy.
Don't discount size/turn radius as a deciding factor. There aren't a lot of options out there for someone looking for a small car that gets over 50mpg.. With a moonroof.
I wouldn't say "Everyone" is giving the Prius C bad reviews. There have been some more negative ones recently. Just like life? Not everyone is going to like you..... But the Prius c is evidently selling a lot of people seem to like it. When you are still dealing with a Hybrid, which in some circles is still attached of many prejudices and pre-concieved ideas, I think it's folly to believe there wouldn't be a percentage of negative reviews. Overall, the buzz around the Prius c, seems very positive to me.
I think the comparable is between the Yaris 5 door SE to the Prius C Two, IMO. $1000 difference from the Canadian website. I do mainly city driving, so I think for me the $ diff will be made up in ~2 years time. My last three trips into work resulted in just over 70mpg each, applying moderate hypermiling techniques.
Nobody has told me the break even point for my leather seats in my car, but I got them anyway. The same "people" who would tell you to buy a Yaris, should also be telling you to buy a used Yaris, since you could save additional thousands of dollars off the purchase price and still get the same 32 mpg. But you'd be driving a Yaris, not a Prius. If you are good with that....then get the Yaris. What is the breakeven point if you opted to go with a $50,000 BMW instead of a Prius C?
Let them say what they will in the reviews, enjoy your car. To me, it depends on what is being compared to the Prius c. For us, it came down to the bottom line price for simple options that we wanted and great gas mileage. Yes, we took a beating on our 4 year old trade, but we knew that going into the whole thing. My job changed and I didn't need the big vehicle anymore. The difference between 18 mpg and 50+ mpg more than justified it for us. The payback will be swift enough, considering every trip to the grocery store, etc was so very costly before. We were just sick of constantly getting hosed at the pump. Now, we're once again experiencing the pure joy of "taking a drive" for the fun of it, something we haven't done in years. We have no regrets. Deb
Playing Angel's advocate then; comparing the base Prius to the C4 package is apples to oranges. If I want the moon roof, Nav, alloys, Softex, etc, I'm not getting the cheapest Prius. Therefore, the price difference you laid out is significant. No car in the 100 year history of the automobile is like the concept photos, yes it's disappointing, but also not worth mentioning. Any comparison must include asking which is worth more to you; paying Toyota or paying slightly less than that amount over time to OPEC? Any breakeven analysis needs to separate those dollars conceptually rather than equate them for any segment that would consider a Prius. I don't mean to throw stones at Yaris drivers, but I actually don't see the logical case to buy the Yaris rather than the C, but as implied, for me using (significantly) less gasoline is something I am more than willing to pay a very slight premium for.
they give bad reviews because they equate price with performance specifically horsepower. they miss the point that the Prius brand is about quality, mileage, etc. will the c go. 0-60 in 4 seconds? The c is the second Prius I have owned and I am totally impressed by it: it does what it promises- it is a reliable high tech, high mileage vehicle. my 04 model required zero dollars in repair costs after almost 9 years while providing me with excellent mileage and a great ride. i expect the same of the c.The naysayers haven't yet realized that High mileage, not horsepower is what the future holds for driving.
Auto Reviewers never like the Prius, mostly because they are used to big loud groaning machines. If you review cars for a living, you are probably a "car-person". Of the subset of car people, most are into (as Jeremy Clarkson would say) POWER!!!! Others are more focused on luxury and trim, and a smaller subset actually car about fuel economy. So the people who do the reviews are not really the target audience of the Prius. There is nothing wrong with it, but it is not for them. So they can't find fault, they nit-pick. No matter how impartial you try to be, you still have partiality and reviewers are no different.
Those are not bad reviews of the car just realistic financial assessment people should be aware of on the fuel cost savings.
Amen SC! I came out of a full size pickup at 15mpg, and $75 minimum at least once a week. By the way, my commute is only like 23 miles each way. Coming to work today I'm at 57mpg and loving my driving life again. Last fillup I hadn't been to a gas station in almost two weeks!! I really loved my truck otherwise but I've had my C going on a month now and I'm not looking back one bit.:rockon:
(I've only skimmed this thread...) Who is "everyone"? Can you point us to those reviews and print publications?
People really have a tough time wrapping their brains around a car that makes money as you drive. The Prius family of cars are high performance vehicles that make you feel good every time that you put gas in! I am sure that the C will boogie down the road just fine and if I can't win the race at "Dead Man's Pass" like these gear heads are dreaming about, oh well.
With the yaris you don't get the fun of the hybrid system. Anyway, less fuel costs and almost no maintenance pay for the extra cost of the Prius C.
Because companies like Apple et al have brainwashed America into thinking you have to have the newest, shiniest, "best" new thing every 6 months.