I've been trying for weeks to make the arrows on the disPlay disappear giving me a true coast. Ive seen in videos that people can coast for some distance with no arrows and thus zero transfer of energy. But I can't do it. Even in Eco mode it's on a hair trigger. I can get it only for a second, then at the slightest bump the arrows turn back on. The longest I can go is a 4 or 5 seconds. It's like the car knows what I'm trying to do and is programmed to not allow it. Any help. I know I can do the same by putting in neutral but if others can do it with the pedal I want to also. Seems like it would be more convenient. W
Putting it in neutral is counter productive, you don't want to do that. What I'm assuming you're trying to do is something like pulse-and-glide where you get up to speed, then let off the gas and coast without any power being transferred to (or from) the wheels. You should be using the hybrid system indicator display for this, not the display with the arrows. A true coast is indicated by an essentially empty energy bar. Maybe someone has a picture or a better explanation of what I'm talking about.
The videos I've seen say just keep the throttle line in that very first part of the indicator (where it bends). You'll be in a glide at that point and no real significant energy transfer will be taking place.
On the 2010-2012 Prius, the best way to make the arrows disappear is to press the DISPLAY button until the HSI screen appears. Presto, no more arrows. Then, for best gliding, make the HSI bar disappear, or nearly so. This gets close enough for practical applications. The videos you watched were probably for the 2004-2009 models, where it is a reasonable method. But for the 2010+ models, it requires something like 0.01% precision at the speeds were it is even possible, and appears to not be possible at all at many speeds. So use the HSI screen method instead.