That video did not solve anything for me. I also have an iPhone 4. My problem is when I refresh my phonebook it says it is refreshing forever and ever. I even tried using a phonebook that only had 3 entries and it still never finishes.
This may be a provider issue. Verizon prevents downloading of users contact list for security reasons. This prevents apps from harvesting you phone book and call lists. When I was chasing the poor Entunes tech around the dealer's lot, one of the first things he asked was what provider I had as Verizon phones in general reported the most and consistent problems with updating the cars phonebook.
Strangest thing. Worked fine for me the other day. Stopped working. Don't know what I did differently. Not syncing addresses again. I only get United States
I'm hoping for when Toyota issues a firmware update (anyday now) they have addressed most if not all issues with the EnTune System. After driviving my Prius C for over 4k miles and I think I know the EnTune system rather well and it is on life support at best right now and it needs a transplant to support all the apps that were supposed to be installed, like iHeartradio, movietickets, openseat I found an article on another website about the EnTune System and he titled it "My car ships with crapware" that says it all
NY Times review of Entune (in a Prius V, but I assume it's the same as in the c). The reviewer mostly liked it.
Hi guys -- thanks much to Nate Riesen @ Jon Lancaster Toyota in Wisconsin for solving the dreaded iPhone address issue on the navi.. Ok.. what you have to do.. I know this is a pain, but I changed all of my addresses as follows. Abbreviate Street to St ... Road to Rd ... etc State CANNOT be abbreviated. I also put in country as USA just in case.. Now all my addresses sync beautifully with the navi.
The world according to Prius nav. Apple, Microsoft, Google are all using the format of my address book just fine. I'm not going to screw up my entire contact list to jump through Toyota's flaming format hoop. Hopefully Toyota will fix Toyota's problem, inability to read standard address format used by 99% of customers. PS But a tip of the hat to Nate of Jon Lancaster Toyota for at least deciphering Toyota's problem and how to work around it.
Thanks....for the Tip of that hat, I appreciate it. I have been in discussion with thee man at Toyota who is working with Harmon & Denso to make changes to the way the system works. It's not clear to me weather the cars that are on the road today can be "fixed," to work the way that we expect them to. But the feed back will certainly help. Please keep in mind that Toyota engineered and built your Prius. They didn't exactly build the Nav system that's in the dash. It is a system that I hope is flexible enough to work with some future updates that address things like determining that CA is the same as CALIFORNIA.
Nate, would be great if Toyota offered the navi software update as a download on their website. Most of us are smart enough to use a thumb drive and install it on our cars. Just a thought.
This will offend some, but changing the state from CA to California worked in this instance. WI can be abbreviated and it works just fine. Bottom line is that if the contacts aren't working, it's one or two things that need adjustment: State Names and street suffixes
With abbreviations such as St, Rd, Ave, etc., Toyota is actually using the standardized format required by the US Postal Service for speedier mail delivery. Click on Street Suffixes to see the full list.
In the fight to figure things out, I found something interesting. Let's say that we already know that street suffixes and state name/ abbreviations play a part in weather or not the car will accept the addresses in the Nav system. I've found that the Nav system is OK with WI, but doesn't like CA- instead one has to type California in the contact's address field and everything works fine. When I connect my iphone and use this address: 1202 forster dr, Madison, WI, 53704 I get all the right screens and the system guides me to the address. Again, I'm using the suffix DR for Drive and WI for the state. The street suffix and state name or abbreviated state name are the 2 items that commonly hang the system and determine the address as NOT NAVIGABLE Here's where I am: from the map screen: DEST> MY DESTINATIONS>PHONEBOOK I've searched for and selected my name and here's what I see: PERFECT I grabbed a co-workers Samsung Galaxy S running on USCellular's network. Added my address the same as it is in my iPhone. Interestinly I couldn't simply click on my name on the list, I had to click the phonebook icon on the right and select SHOW DETAILS and this was the screen that I was shown: Notice that you don't see State, Zip or country as we had in the Iphone's pull over. Here's a shot of the same screen, but pulled from the Iphone. Again notice that the state, zip & country are shown. For the Android users, can anyone confirm that they are able to click on a name in the list and make the address load the destination fields in Nav without having to select the phonebook ICON & then SHOW DETAILS? Clearly, Android's phonebook format doesn't line up with the Nav's format. Iphone works better. I don't believe this was intended, but it's certainly the case as far as I've seen. Full disclosure, I've only tired one type of Android phone so far.
I tired a motorolla electrify with the exact same results tonight. The state & zip didn't load, but I was able to get the address to load up and allow me to set a destination. Still had to use the PHONEBOOK icon instead of just the name as it appeared in the list.
Google, Microsoft, Apple and Post Office all play well together only Toyota seems to use a unique format. You can see the problem with streets that have N, S, E, W directions. Put in an address book correctly as NE 1st St., Toyota cannot read it. Toyota wants 1st or, maybe First. Who knows? Who cares? Are we going to redo our contacts lists that work in every application except Toyota? Seems clear Toyota has to fix its problem. Well doesn't have to but frustrated users may look at different vehicles with working systems next time.
This is definitely the biggest negative for the car so far, IMO. it would be so damn convenient if it just worked.
Just got this back from Toyota, maybe if everyone expressed their concerns it would help them see a trend and start leaning on their contacts at Apple.
If you jailbreak your iPhone, you'll be much happier. I bought MyWifi for $20 and now it connects via Bluetooth for Internet access. It's nice not having to plug in the iPhone. Dan