I'm trying to buy PIP right now but most of souther california dealers told me I should pay $2,000 more than msrp. However, I saw that some dealers are selling PIP less than msrp. I'm really confused right now. What's the reasonable price I can buy it? Thanks.
A reasonable price right now would be for MSRP. I don't think it's realistic to expect less than MSRP, unless you pre-ordered from a dealership that was willing to give a discount, but that ship sailed about 5 or 6 months ago. Don't pay over MSRP unless you are really really really desperate for HOV access.
Well, stay away from Keyes Toyota in Sherman Oaks. They did me even worse than that. Granted, I wanted the car and not claiming that I was fooled or tricked or anything. It was just a nice, cordial raking over the coals. I'm sure that I'll enjoy my lease on the Advanced very much. But I'll remember how they treated me.