hi guys, My fiance wants to buy a new Prius. We are just looking at the base model, and the msrp is $24,760. Are they usually selling over, at, or under msrp right now? One of my friends bought one 2 years ago (?), and the dealer tacked on a preimum. Thanks!
Try to see if the dealer has any remaining 2011 MY cars in inventory. They will usually take off $$$ from MSRP to clear out the older model year.
Fitzmall and Carmax Laurel are showing about $500 under MSRP right now. That should be close enough to Delaware to give you a price to gauge from.
I just purchased a new Prius and used the Costco auto buying service. The dealer in their network here in SW Fla, large T dealer in Fort Myers, immediately gave me a quote of Invoice - $500. About swallowed my tongue .... Regards, radmangto
I will recommend buying from Carmax Laurel! Ask for Joel V., was very happy with working with him. And no nonsense with a trade-in.
I would guess it's different in different markets? The prices I got here in SoCal wouldn't be much help to you in Delaware(?) What I'd suggest to you is to call all the local toyota dealers in your areas and ask them if they can provide their "best prices" for you. Say that you are just shopping around to see which of them can offer you the best deal. Most of them probably will NOT tell you a price over the phone, but (hopefully) you will find a few that are honest and want to be straightforward with you. That was the way that I shopped for mine. I called about ~10 dealers (there are quite a number here in LA) and only 3-4 of them did talk straight with me, others were just rambling+pressuring me to get into their dealerships because they have home field advantage...
Depends on how far you want to drive. Sandy Springs Toyota in GA (where I got mine) have two 11's discounted a few thousand. Ask for Moses and said Paul sent ya...I could use the referral
I harvested quotes via Internet from all of the "Fleet Managers," at all area dealers. A " Fleet Manager" sells most cars one at a time, and offers prices via Internet. You should be familiar with standard car dealer scams before going in to buy the car, or bring a friend who is: Buy nothing but the car, and no added options, and if you want an extended warranty, shop for that separately. You can buy the standard Toyota brand warranty via Internet from any dealer, saving you the customary $500 dealer markup.
just bought a new 2012 MY #3 package april 18th paid $24,950.00,do believe that's was below invoice, this is in utah.they had 6 on the lot.i traded in my 2004 prius w/69,000 miles, without nav and bluetooth, for $9,000.00.
Got my '12 Four Solar Plus Performance on Monday for $500 over invoice options & accessories included. Mike
Local to me I've seen between MSRP and $500 under MSRP. I'm driving to a dealer offering $2000 off the sticker.
Really.... below INVOICE, not MSRP? I called the Costco Auto program dealership on the certificate they sent me- and they definitely were not anywhere near a below invoice price. Which trim level did you get?
Really.... below INVOICE, not MSRP? I called the Costco Auto program dealership on the certificate they sent me- and they definitely were not anywhere near a below invoice price. Which trim level did you get?
I just got the 2012 Prius 2 for 21,488 + TTL msrp was $24,985.. BTW Nice ZO6 and 04 Cobra.... both are monsters... I have a 2001 Camaro Z28 with Stage 2 Heads, cam and getting around 20MPG.
I'm in the market for a 2012 Prius 2. I was wondering where you purchased yours? I'm in the LA area. I'd also love to know the name of the salesperson. Thanks. I need to purchase a car from a dealer that is participating in the Heros2 program. Has anybody had success with a dealer on that list?
Prius III seems to be selling at a discount, I paid $24K for $26.5 MRSP vehicle. The Prius C's and V's seem to be at list price.
I got mine from Manhatten Beach Toyota and I heard Torrance Toyota is also giving the same price. It's usually in the Friday & Saturday LA Times. I don't know what the Heros2 program???