Funny, shipping delays and poor communication describe exactly the experience I had when I purchased my Engineer kit 1 1/2 years ago. Thankfully, my experience with them since has been good, with only 1 minor part exchange and excellent reliability.. Patience is definitely a virtue with these aftermarket kits. I sincerely hope PIS pans out as well or better. The use of Headway cells is definitely a good sign. Thanks, Stockton.
After further thought with so many various parts vendors and coordination I can imagine it's a challenge to keep a small operation like this in motion. It's good to see Kiet posting again and will be patiently waiting the arrival of all the parts you guys ordered. Since we can pay part by part I may just bite the bullet earlier although by the time I have a Prius I would hope you guys have your entire order. Kiet have your experiences working along Rob been good? Thank you btw for your efforts on making the PIS kit what it is.
Update to my PIS experience: On 4/20, I was told I would be getting a refund (minus the value of the cells). I was told if I sent the cells back (at my expense), I would also be refunded for them. He also stated he saw my post on PC and because of my experience, they will change the way they sell DIY systems and that the changes will be posted on the website next week. He also issued an apology for the way things turned out. Then, on 4/24, I received another email indicating he was very upset about my post on PC and he believes it is criminal. He stated he has made an appointment with a lawyer and may pursue legal action against me. He stated he will withhold my refund until his lawyer advises him what to do with it. This is posted to inform and not to slander. All of the info is factual and represents my experience. I wish I would have heeded the warning placed on the Plug In Solutions website.
What is the timeline for you with PISupply (Payment/Shipment/Support)......? In any business transaction (especially in today's world) sometimes inaction(slow reaction) is internalized as nonsvc and disrespect which then cascades to poor outcomes. From what I can see(IMHO) a DIY which I believe is your case. I would have taken the following path....... Place DIY order (this will depend on componets order) you stated you got cells(battery packs) first. In my thinking I would have wanted (asked for) the following componets phev items in this prefer shipping order.... Wire harness Control boards BMS Contactors Charger Cell boards (if appl or needed) Lastly battery pack or cells If need be after fund transfer I would have made multiple communications contacts then if unsatified face to face then maybe made complaints public
First he saw the post and was apologetic then he changed his mind and got pissed off? How the f is that criminal? posting your experience with them online is criminal? oh dear god, every business must be suing yelp and its users.
LOL! Having owned my own business (just me but it was my income) I know it can be difficult to read any negative feedback. Its very difficult to get things going smoothly and it sounds like PIS has a lot on their plate. I worked ALL the time to get things going and develope a good process for what I was doing. PIS is doing something new and that takes refinement. I am looking forward to seeing their revamped ordering process.
this is ridicules get a lawyer? because of a post on PC telling what going on.. thats a BAD move from that guy PR wise its stupid
Navy What is your current status with PISupply.? If you can comment. I see that PISupply, PISolutions, and Enginer have a common threads of delays, mistatements, and poor web ordering.....
I'm interested in Supply's system, but concerned about the apparent time it takes to get a complete system delivered.
I was investigating the possibility of buying one of those kits myself for my 2006 Prius. After reading this and other threads here, I think I'll just save some more money and make an extra effort and go with the original and safe Toyota Prius PHV. A company that makes no efforts whatsoever to sell and make their customers happy in the commercial department will for sure be even worst in the support department. Thanks for widening my eyes everyone, about the lack of quality and support on 3rd party PHV kits.
I, too, am interested in installing PIS' 10kW kit in my 2004. At the end of February I emailed Robb for the name of someone in the mid-Atlantic region who had installed PIS' kit in his/her Prius. Robb gave me the name of a professional in Virginia. The professional would be happy to talk to me for a fee. That was not what I was looking for. I am a member of an EV club where the club members are only too happy to share their knowledge and experience. I was looking for a DIYer who installed PIS' kit who would also be happy to share his/her experience. Robb could not or would not provide me a name. Are there no satisfied PIS customers within six hours of Philadelphia with whom he can connect me? Where else can I go to find out about PIS' kit and reputation? Angie's List? I want Robb's kit to work. I want Robb's business to succeed. I want everyone's kit to work who has put in the time and effort to design and engineer one. But, Robb will not be helping his business by suing an unsatisfied customer.
My current status is no more parts received, refund promised on 4/20. Refund promise rescinded on 4/24 and currently being threatened with legal action for telling you all about my experience on Prius Chat (see my earlier post for more details).
None of what you say surprises me. It's just too bad. For me, I got caught up in the hype of 100mpgs and limiting the impact the gas price volatility had on me and my family. I did much research but could not find anyone besides scottsim that was a satisfied customer (incidentally, I don't find any recent reports from him about his kit but, that doesn't mean he's not satisfied). I also found no negative reports other than Plug In Solutions which I attributed to a business dispute. After my terrible experience with PIS, I decided it was time to let the public know. As I post this, I'm being threatened w/ legal action but, I'm willing to still take my chances to let the public know about my experience. I am confident because "truth" is a blanket defense in this type (defamation/libel) of case and all of what I've posted is true and provable. I wish I would have done what you did. That was very smart to ask him for a reference. As for where else can you find out about PIS, the only other posts I've seen about the company are on and a few old posts about the introduction of the original Pba version of the kit.
PISupply and PISolutions on their respective webiste's slam each other which would make anyone wonder about their capacity and veracity to do some business transactions. Enginer does not sink to that level on their website. PISupply leaves a lot of critical information to speculation and web order process is obtuse at best and otherwise just confusing as is PISolution.....
Navy IMHO Looks like you where a slam target. Just a little past history PISupply and PISolutions have both slammed each other's business dealings. PISupply has slammed Boulder Hybrid, 3Prong Power, and PISolutions. Always worry about person's that engage in negative character assailment to promote their agenda. PISupply may suffer from a small person complex to derride 3-4 parties including customers.
Plug In Supply seem to have a brilliant product though! I don't get it. It looks real enough in the videos, I'm sure they could make plenty of cash selling it. I would say that my experience with Enginer was about 4 months from ordering and paying to receiving the kit, so I would expect a similar timeframe from any of these companies right now.
Here's an update on the progress of my 4KWH kit, ordered 4/17/12. Based on communications with Robb, I was/am expecting delivery of parts in early/mid May. 4/30/12 - DHL attempted delivery of batteries from China. This is unfortunate because I had mentioned to Robb that I would be out of town until 5/3/12 and did not want delivery any earlier than 5/4/12. He indicated battery supplier was taking approx. 3 weeks for delivery. Well, they came early. A +1 to the battery supplier anyway. 5/2/12 - Future son-in-law was at house and signed for delivery of batteries. Five boxes received. Will examine them after work on 5/3/12 since I didn't get home until 10:15 pm this date. I am still hopeful all parts will arrive in a timely fashion, but I am also taking into account that these 3rd-party PHEV suppliers are (VERY) small-business companies and may/do have supplier problems of their own. Cautiously Optimistic
I hope that you do not get cold feet, suffer from waiting anxiety and pull the plug and then ask for a refund. I like to see you get the complete kit. It may take a while.
As I said, I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm prepared to wait a 'reasonable' amount of time. Definition of 'reasonable' might be subject to change though.