I have a 2006 Prius and I'm wondering what is the latest GPS disk and where can it be purchased (besides the dealer)? My dealer wants $170 for their disk and I don't know if that's a good price or not.
Unless you can find a bootleg copy your dealer is going to be your only option. The latest disk will be the 11.1 version. Toyota updates the maps every year around October time frame and the rev number is the year, hence the 11.1. The next one will not be available until October of this year. Even though $170 is a lot they just reduced the price from $200 I upgraded my 8.1 version to the 11.1 based on the revision notes and saw that my main interests in NC were included in the upgrade. The upgrade has been worth it to me. Having said that, I have to agree that the cost is way too high. I would think if Toyota would lower their price to say around $50 they would sell a whole lot more of these and I would not mind upgrading every year instead of 3 years.
If you feel $170 is too high (I do), I'd call Toyota (I believe the # is at Toyota Help) and log a complaint. See http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-v-main-forum/105822-out-date-maps-in-nav-2.html#post1513789. Hopefully enough people griping about it will have it show up on someone's radar and cause it the price to go down or make the update a better deal.
$170 is a good price from a toyota dealership but honda only charges $100 I believe so its nothing to get excited or angry about. there is a person on ebay who sells discs occasionally from canada, she doesn't say its a copy but the buy-it-now price is like $40-$45 shipped so its kind of obvious. She uses a quality dual layer discs and had the right equipment and I've had no problem in either Prius. its funny to see the sellers on ebay still trying to sell the 2010 update discs for $200 when the sellers selling the 2011 discs are selling it for $170, I've emailed some of the sellers asking $200 for the 2010 update and let them know that its a year out of date and that if they hadn't been trying to ask such an unreasonable price they would have gotten something good for it, I'd then offer $20 shipped since its a year out of date just to add insult to injury but I never hear back from them. typically a one year old disc sells for around $90-$100 on ebay and a two year old disc sells for $60-$70 and three year old discs sells for $40-$45. there is a website that shows what states, cities and counties are updated from year to year, you may find that the areas you drive had a drastic update in 2010 but nothing in 2011 so it may be worth saving money and buying a 2010 disc since paying extra for the 2011 disc will do nothing for you. the discs are released in sept/oct so the 2011 discs are only 1/2 year old but the maps may be a year older than that as DENSO hires a bunch of private companies to gather and verify map data which takes a lot of time.