Nadya Suleman: Babies disgust me – The Marquee Blog - Blogs Remember she had her eight kids when she already six...
I saw her on Oprah one time. She seems to be sort of mentally unstable. << that's a shocker. Suze Orman was urging her to leverage her situation to get help, use reality shows, etc... to get money to take care of all the children. Her responses were overly strange and emotional.
On the front page of Yahoo right now: Octomom Files for Bankruptcy, Delays Auction of Her Home | OMG Now - Yahoo! omg!.
Raising kids is a difficult job, and the difficulty increases geometrically as the number of kids increases. The ultra-religious moms in Israel survive by state aid, and forcing the children to become the caregivers of the younger ones. Even if Octamom had the wherewithall to indoctrinate the children to become caregivers, the births at the same age prevented that strategy from working. The children are blameless, and it is a sorry state of affairs that the Mom denigrates their existence. This is why we have contraception. IIRC the American religous groups were happy to parade her around for awhile, but once the PR value wore off she was left to fend for herself.
Contraception does not play into this equation. She got divorced and had IVF done with donor sperm. The doctor used a number of embryos during her IVF that exceeded the number recommended by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. The doctor had his license revoked after an investigation found him negligent. It was science that gave birth to them, religion had nothing to do with it. If she didn't have access to IVF, this thread wouldn't exist. Her other six children, in addition to the octuplets, are from IVF with donor sperm.
My recollection of IVF and this story is that it is routine to fertilize multiple eggs and implant them, because it is common for many to not mature. If multiple embryos survive, some are destroyed. Octomom accepted the first stage, and refused the second -- I presume with egging on from the right-to-life groups that later abandoned here. I suspect the GYN was censured because the second stage of culling too many embryos was not agreed to, yet he proceeded with multiple egg IVF anyway.
I remember well enough that Octamom was in the news for months leading up to deliveries, and the religious groups having a frenzy about not culling any of the embryos. Feel free to google the rhetoric and political scheming yourself if you want sound-bites.
Very possibly they said this, but multiple implantation being phase 1 with deliberate abortions phase 2 are not a general matter of course for IVF. Religious influence had nothing to do with her having 8 kids; incompetency did. First, the doctor should never have IVFed anybody with 6 kids on moral grounds, IMO, unless she had a very stable and competent existence. Second, my opinions aside, embryo implant numbers are generally 2-3. She had twelve implanted, four times the normal amount.
If my earlier post implied that fetal reduction is more common than not, I want to clarify: More embryos than desired live births are implanted to raise the probability of success that the number of live births desired will occur. This often (frequency?) leads to undesired high numbers of viable fetuses, and then fetal reduction is proposed. I grabbed this from a slate article So pre Nadya the numbers were higher. IVF fetal reduction
I wish she did not have any kids. I am really tired of seeing this incredibly STUPID human, who only really reinforces the idea that maybe you need to pass a written test and have a permit before you have a litter of kids, TWICE!
Well, today I read on that everybody's favorite mom has signed a deal to go into an xxx movie. DO NOT WANT