One of the disadvantages to living in a rural area is when someone strikes a utility pole on a Sunday, the electric will be out for hours. A good time to own a Prius. :rockon:
I have a gas guzzling 2003 Lincoln Navigator sitting out in the yard. Since it is often used on trips, I purchased a 400 watt power inverter. I quickly removed it from the back of the Navigator and put it in the Prius. It works very well. And 400 watts is more than an enough to operate one of our televisions, a fan and a Blueray player. My Internet already has its own battery back up which will last about 10 hours. It doesn't draw much for a cable modem and wireless router.
Interesting... So maybe we should keep that '94 Chrysler V6 when we go to buy the Prius? The engine is still sound.
Yep, that's why there's a power inverter sitting out in the garage, waiting for the day the power goes out again.
Good time to own a 2,000 Watt Honda generator. Using a car's 12V power ports not very efficient. With Prius small 12V battery, probably not a good idea to running 1-2kw of power through it and the power port.
You can use a high-power inverter with the Prius traction battery to power your house, and it will be recharged by the Prius ICE as necessary. See Richard
Like I said....better a nice quiet 2KW Honda generator vs. blowing up your car or yourself messing with high voltage batteries. Now my Escape Hybrid had a 1KW 120V plug in the console. Never used it but cool to have. I'm sure Toyota looked at it, saw extra cost, extra weight for little used feature and bagged it.
The Prius is a lot safer and more efficient generator than the Honda. I can't say that I agree with your assessment, although the Honda has the advantage of being an off-the-shelf solution. Tom
I just wanted enough power to keep the TV on. We had a 3-year-old over who really wanted to watch Diego. I needed the fan to keep us cool. The Prius did very well. It started a few times on its own and kept the power going. The Lincoln still has its uses. I often find myself transporting a gaggle of 9-year-old girls to activities. It does haul seven plus gear. iPad ? HD