Ouch is right. Dang that looks bad. You were kind of ugly to begin with, so stop making it worse. But wait, there's more... With your coordination and athletic ability, I am now kind of glad I had that Palo Alto car fall through--- I'd hate to think what could have happened with you wrapping plastic around my car. Just sharing the love. In all seriousness, I hope you heal well. And soon. iPad ?
I tried to tell you that was his daughter you were hitting on, but you wouldn't listen. Just a friendly word of advice...Next time it's a choice between your leg and your face, pick the leg. If only because you need more scars there to match the rest of your body. (Sorry, buddy. You know I mean well. Rest up, and get better soon.) :hug:
Wow, I hope you get well soon. What a bummer to start your weekend. Perhaps you should consider plastic lenses when you replace your glasses
I'm not quite sure what the lenses were made of. They don't feel quite like glass but not quite like plastic. They broke like glass but the edges are not glass-sharp if you know what I mean. They also had large scratches on them from when my face impacted then drug on the bumper. Glass wouldn't do that. When I go in for new glasses I am taking a large shard with me to ask the optometry technician. Sadly, I have to give a tour tomorrow on one of my nature preserves. It,s hard to talk in front of 30 people with your face looking like this. I just hope the bleeding stops by then. I'm on blood thinner so I bleed and bruise easily. Sunday I will be out helping one of our Eagle Scout prospects finish up his project on the same preserve. This wasn't a good week to fall. lol
It's swelled up pretty good right now. My forehead has a huge vertical lump right above my eye. The facial trauma doctor, whose last name was actually Doctor, sewed on my face for quite a long time. My girlfriend asked him how many stitches he put in and the doctor replied "honestly I don't know. I stopped counting". Then he went back to work adding more. I knew I was in trouble when he was inspecting my face and told us it was pretty shredded so stitching it will be difficult and some skin had simply been peeled away and was missing. He ended up stitching it in layers using dissolving stitches on the inside then stitching the outer skin with larger materials. It's going to leave a wicked scar I'm sure. Ah well. I'm still alive and my eye is undamaged so all is good.
Now I really wanna know about getting sucker punched by the cowboy. I'm not sure which story is worse: your falling and hurting your face or my getting a scar from the bumper cars @ Cedar Point. At least you have a cute girlfriend at home to take care of you. I'm assuming she's cute, I've never seen her, so to stay in her good graces I'll give the benefit of the doubt
Bumper cars? Oh do tell! Haha Funny you mention my girlfriend. I just showed her the "what do you look like" because of the tiger so I decided to show her my friends on here so she knows what you look like now. Don't mess with her now! lol
Holy crap, you must have hit hard to break the lens in your glasses. Are they polycarbonate or glass?
Wear a bandit handkerchief to cover all or most of the injury, make western themed jokes about it & your injury and it won't be a distraction - plus you'll be an even greater "star" of the show. What I want to know is why you go to all the effort of contracting life threatening diseases and life altering physical smashups just to get attention on a car chatboard, about a car that isn't even a Camaro. I used to think Dick Pryor was the ultimate attention whore setting himself on fire but you've got him beat. What're we going to hear from you next: hand to hand combat with twin rattlesnakes, a mountain lion and a string of runaway Union Pacific rice hopper cars? Sheesh! Did I mention get well soon? Get well soon.
Ouch! That's terrible! I'm sure you're thankful that your eyeball is still ok. I can't imagine what it might be like to lose sight in one eye. I'd imagine that driving would be WAY tougher due to the loss of depth perception.
Oh Man... that had to smart big-time Bra... You DO have good luck cause you missed your eye... That will heal up, and then you'll have another good story to tell at the next meet. :thumb::thumb:
Damn. You should put that pic in your signature just so everyone without tapatalk can see it over and over again. In all seriousness though thank God it wasn't a few inches higher. Hope things heal quickly. After all, you do have your movie career at stake.
I don't know much about the materials used to make glasses. It could be a ploycarbonate because it didn't feel like glass. Regardless, it was a hard hit. The scratches on the shattered lens pieces tell the story. No broken bones, however. I somehow get lucky in that most of my injuries are major enough to be scary but minor enough to be humorous. Too funny! :rockon: My girlfriend's 19yr old daughter text me while I was in the ER and told me to stop being an attention whore. lol
Holy sh*t that first picture looked really bad. I hope you don't go out tomorrow as planned as your head will feel real bad in the morning. Take it easy stay in bed and ice as that area will be real brusied. Not any meat there to absorb a blow. Thats a bone bruise right there. Expect quite a show of color on your puss. If you get up and out and push it you'll really swell up and be in alot of pain and since your on cumanin you may start bleeding again. And you will probably need a plastic surgeon to finish that excellent doctors work. Even a small scar right there will be very noticeable. I would consult a doctor about that asap. Take care of yourself man. You've had a time of it for sure. Good luck.
I'm going to take it easy but I don't want to cancel the tour. We already had to cancel one tour and there are 30 people including 16 artists that are all geared up to go. No one else at my office can lead the tour because they don't know the preserve like I do. Besides, I have a restoration project taking place out there and I have to sort out the irrigation for the trees we just planted. Not to worry though. I am pretty good about taking it easy. It just sounds like I am overdoing it. I will check back with Doctor Doctor (too funny that is his name) about scaring but he seemed to think it would heal well enough not to need plastics. The other doctors agreed. Besides, I'm not afraid of scaring. I do appreciate your advice and in my heart I know you're right about taking it easy.
Every day I am alive is a better day. Fighting cancer makes you appreciate days even as weird as this one.