It's been a month, and on a whole, so far I am super happy with my PC. And now that the break in period is done with, and the honeymoon is coming to an end, I want to really drive it. I'm not a speed racer, but I don't want to consciously save gas. I'm gonna spend my next tankful on this. I hope to get at least 40mpg. Anyone here drive the PC like a mad man? What's it like? Ad how's the gas mileage?
I don't know if it is me or if that HSI display is addictive, but I do drive "ECOnomically", traffic permitting. My lifetime average is about 53.5. Right now I have a tank going at 62 mpg, for over 200 miles already...loving this warmer weather. If I drive without regard to mpg, I would get around 46...I think.
Occasionally I drive with a callous disregard for mileage. It isn't as fun in the C as it is in the Camaro. This certain onramp I use regularly can see me merge at over 90mph in the Camaro. I have to try hard and start early to reach 65 in the C. It's not nearly as exhilarating. Use the tool like it's designed, I guess. I've slowed down (most of the time) through the years. Speeding tickets are not as red a badge of courage as they once were. I still get better mpgs than in the CRX, even when I drive normally. The last two tanks were 48 and 49 mpg. I suppose I'd get 46-ish if I drove without paying attention to the screens.
I live in an area with a lot of steep inclines, and this tank I've been driving it hard with Eco off. The first tank of gas I drove it very economically with Eco on, and got about 54mpg. I've been getting right at 50mpg so far. So honestly, its not much of a difference that I've seen. I'm going to use the next tank of gas to push it hard with Eco on and see if that makes a difference.
The CRX was the first car I really fell in love with, but ended up with a 92 Integra GS-R. Not a muscle car but she loves to be revved. If I drive like a Prius-minded person, I get high 40s and few times 50s. This morning I drove it like I drive my Integ, and the PC got 43mpg. I notice I'm not getting quite the numbers everyone else is, but so far, so good!
That is impressive. Until now, I thought maybe it was the 16" wheels keeping me back from the mpgs you all are getting. My overall average is about 46mpg, and I'm happy with that, but there seems to be room for improvement. Think maybe I should check my tire pressure? What's a good setting? 38 front 36 rear ok?
^The higher, the better for MPG (of course, the higher, the more uncomfortable the ride). 42/40 or 40/38 would elicit even better MPG response. Not sure what the max inflation is on the 16" wheels, but there or just below it theoretically should give you the best.
Check the driver side door frame for tire pressure info. Our lifetime average is 52.2 mpg, mostly "just driving" it, both with and without the AC. Our wheels are the little 15"ers. I wondered if the 16" wheels would make mpg difference. The larger wheels sure look nice, though. We got 41mpg on a100 mile interstate trip driving 67 mph and bucking 25-30 mph head winds. I was pretty happy about that actually. The return trip, with tail wind, averaged 53mpg. Sure beats the stuffin's out of the 18mpg vehicle we traded. Deb