I have a question. When I unlock my door by just touching the handle it only opens the driver door and if I am at the passenger door it only opens the passenger door. Is there a way to open all the doors without having to take the keys out of my pocket and hit the unlock button? I want to be able to open all doors by just touching the handle.
While you're near the car, press and hold both the lock and unlock buttons simultaneously until you hear the car beep. That would do it I think
While I don't have the same feature in my Prius C, one of my brothers has a Camry and the other brother has a Lexus. Both function the same as yours. When they touch the passenger door handle they have to use the interior door unlock button on the passenger's side. Deb
Yeah I remember reading that it's a customizable option - that defaults to the way you described. I just don't remember how to change it, I'll have to find it again.
you should be able to change it via the display audio system... maybe that option anyway.. not sure..
Yup the method with the key fob worked great for me last week. Nice being able to open all the doors at one time.. just hope no one unsavory is on the opposite side of my car when I get in LOL