Filled-up this morning: 543 mi since last fill-up; added 9.514 gal. (with 2nd squeeze). Cutting things a little close, but very pleased!
What kind of MPG's does the c get with cruise control on freeway trips, or do most individuals here refrain from using cruise (as I've heard that it decreases you MPG's with the c)? This drive would be on mostly flat highway with no significant hills or dips. Figure going around 65 mph.
I went faster then normal on the freeway yesterday to see how MPG are on high speeds and with some hills going 75-80 MPH I still got 50mpg shown. Even that is amazing when your on a long road trip and I think it will go up more if I was flat road.
How long was that trip and was it a round trip? I'm trying to figure out the point at which the c drops below the efficiency of the GenIII at highway speeds. We all know the GenIII is more aerodynamic and has a slightly higher highway mpg rating but real world data gathered by Wayne Gerdes and folks here at PriusChat are showing the c is now slouch when it comes to great freeway mpg. We often recommend the GenIII when someone mentions a long highway commute and only recommend the c when they have an urban commute. I think many people on this forum need to rethink that advice in light of these new reports.
In addition to the negative impact of a cold engine, cold ambient temps reduce fuel economy by increasing rolling resistance and aerodynamic drag (if driving at speeds above 50mph). This is another reason why your morning mpg potential is generally lower than your afternoon mpg potential. Yet another reason to keep your tire pressure at proper spec levels or higher. The information in this thread applies not only to winter but cooler morning commutes as well.
My first two hand-figured fill ups came out to 48.x and 49.x mpgs. The car's estimation was quite optimistic, and wrong.
I was not long about 20 miles and with me was my friend in his Prius Plug In. He had no plug in battery power left so it was hybrid at the time of start. It showed exatly 50 mpg. That was what was funny. Also he was 2 miles ahead when I got on the freeway so I was going a bit faster.
You should try topping it off until you can see fuel in the filler neck and see if it is still optimistic when you refill again. When Wayne Gerdes tested the c it was almost dead on accurate but he only drove 50 miles or so. It would be interesting to see how this works over 500 miles.
Last weekend I did the 140 or so miles from St Paul to La Crosse Wisconsin. I had filled the tank the Sunday before to see how much gas I used during a "regular" week of driving. I made it all the way to La Crosse and back 50 or so miles to Kellog, MN. I filled the car there. The gas gauge was at 30% (3 spots) and it took 7.018 gallons of gas. The calculated mileage was almost exactly 53 mpg. (52.99 was the calculation) I don't remember the cars calculation, but I think it was between 54 and 55. (I have it written down but not handy.) I'm taking a trip from Minnesota to Florida in about a month so we'll get some good data then.
Just filled my car up for the second time and I calculated 48mpg for both tanks. Per driving trip the computer was showing 50-55mpg, so something is off. I checked the tires and they were set at 32psi f/r from the dealer so I fixed that. i will see how the next tank turns out. Joe
Picked up Pc3 yesterday. Took a forty mile drive of mixed urban, suburban and freeway. Averaged 56.1 per the display. Filled up this morning and will track full tank with calculator, SG and display. All the best.
For my second tank, I drove 466 miles on 8.56 gallons, which equals 54.4 mpg. The computer estimated 57.99.
First click to first click netted me 54.79 mpg. Driving 442 miles on 8.067 gallons. I forgot to look at what the Trip gauge said, but it was around 55 leading up to the fillup.
This is the third week with my Prius C3. My wife has been consistently getting an average in the low 70 MPG (indicated) for her 30 mile round trip commute. The trip is a mix of city and highway. She drives carefully, certainly, and this is our second hybrid. I see mid to high 50s in my more aggressive rush hour drive. Better results would be easy if I were to slow down a bit. I have been exceptionally pleased overall. Rod