I used a class one 1-1/4" trailer hitch to mount my bike rack on my 2007 prius. Now I have the new PiP and a bike rack, but no hitch. I've been gently looking online for a hitch...I can't see where one has come out yet. Has anyone else had any luck?
I sent this vendor and two other ebay vendors a specific question...."will this fit the 2012 PLUG-IN?" They all replied that it did not. I am not sure that this is simply because the PiP is not in their database yet or not. I'm not sure if the 2012 prius and the 2012 plug-in have the exact body or not.
Just a guess, battery is in back in trunk area maybe no way to bolt the hitch on from the under side?
So, I need to find a 2012 Prius, ask them if I can take measurements and see if a trailer hitch for a 2012 would indeed fit under the 2012 PiP. Ha. Talk about an awkward question. "Excuse me sir, but would it be OK if I took some photos and measurements under your car?" Seems like the trailer hitch vendors would have already jumped all over this.
Trailer hitch, hitches and bike rack (800)298-8924 specifically states "does not fit PIP" with all their 2012 Prius hitches. I would assume that they tested them in order to come to this conclusion, but they seem to be pretty knowledgable based on the information there. It might be worth asking them.
I called one of the trailer hitch companies and spoke to a technical support person. He said that the company examined the specification sheets released by Toyota regarding the Plug in Chassis, and the towing hitch assembly will not fit.
I under stand were the battery is located I guess my point was that if you drilled to bolt on a trailer hitch it would not be to bad if you went into the lower storage area but with the plug-in they are probable worried about people drilling in to the battery area? not good.
There is no drilling involved with these trailer hitches, or at least the one for the non Plug In Prius's. A prius already has installed a tie down point that is bolted to the chassis. To install a hitch you remove the 2 bolts that holds these tie down points in place, and bolt the hitch to the car using the same size bolts into the holes that are already there. While doing so you also have to remove the plastic fascia underneath the chassis to gain access to those bolts, and undo another bolt that holds the muffler in place, and replace that bolt and muffler and then the fascia. There is no drilling involved.
Except you seem to be forgetting that there is a spare tire well where the battery charger resides between the bottom of the car and the recessed storage area. If you were to hypothetically drill, you would have to go through several inches of the spare tire well before you could hit the battery.
'Would love to get some confirmation on whether any of the trailer kits designed for the '10-'11 (like this) will work with the PiP... I too have a bike rack that I'd need to mount, say with a 1 1/4" to 2" adapter...
Here ya go. Just ordered one myself. I can't post links yet, but here is the title of the thread. Hitch on a PiP, Curt C11276 I got one from amazon with free shipping for $132
Incidently I had a 1 1/4" hitch on my 07 Prius and pulled over 4000 pounds of concrete 20 miles on level road to the dump (they weighed the load)