There seems to be a wide variation as to what individuals are seeing when the PHEV is fully charged. Thought I would take a poll - fully charged without the fan on - since this seems to drop the EV range about 1 mile.
I'm not sure how to answer because mine varies, depending on what type of driving I have been recently doing most: 1) Highway miles or 2) City miles. Nevertheless, I will choose my most common value of 12.6-12.9 (but I do see 13.1 once in a while).
Does anyone know if there is a way for me to edit the thread and add more brackets? Can't seem to see an "edit" function.
I added a few more for ya' And I voted for 14.5-14.9 since my last 3 have been 14.7, 14.5 and again back to 14.7.
Might be a good idea to also add an "under 10" just in case. Hopefully no one will fall into that category.
13.1 is the highest I've ever seen, which has been steadily dropping. 11.2 the other day. I attribute that to the system adapting to driving-pattern real-world data the vehicle itself has collected along with the influence of break-in. There also has been the observation unplugging the 12-volt battery will reset, causing a recalibration back to default. Also, don't forget that temperature is a range influence factor. 11.6 was what it estimated this morning, but I ended up driving 14.1 miles in EV. Having done a lot of long-distance highway cruising with no opportunity to recharge along with dealing with snow, it's no surprise to see mine lower. Once it finally warms up and I get back to a routine, I suspect the estimate value to rise.
A couple weeks ago, I was in the 11.2 to 11.4 range. Last week, I had gotten it up to about 12.1 (Friday). On Sunday, I disconnected the battery and reconnected it (for some other reason). After reconnecting it, it showed 13.4.
Mine seems to be steadily climbing. Did a lot of freeway driving last week, instead of my normal surface streets around town. Managed 15.4 miles on a 13.9 estimate Saturday, with no A/C or fan running. This morning it showed 14.0, with in-town only driving since Friday. So I'm not sure whether the type of driving or speeds is the key factor, or just getting broken in.
My admittedly small sample size of 6 recharges (in 4 days) has risen slowly but steadily. Last night it was 13.1, which was the greatest (in more ways than one) estimate so far. I didn't use a drop of gas over the weekend, and traveled 35 miles altogether. So 3 full charges or roughly 3/5 gallon of gas saved - if I use 50MPG for the gas figure. At about $1.00/charge (I'm using an average $0.30 kWh figure) that means I will just about break even on the electricity/gasoline expenditure.
I'm getting the juice at $0.13 kWh, which is SCE's winter rate for Tier 1. So a full charge is about $0.40, although I think at times it will be less, as when I end the day with a partial charge remaining. Due to medical equipment use, we don't exceed our Tier 1 allowance.
If we consider a "full charge" as one that gives about 12miles, then each charge would be "worth" about 1/4 gallon of gas. I know that will get muddied up by the amount of recharging that's done while driving, but it seems like a good "rule of thumb" figure. The amount of regeneration seems too variable to add into the rule of thumb, but it's there nonetheless.
Because 1) EV miles can be generated in HV mode and, 2) EV miles can be 'consumed' in HV 'stealth mode' I find it difficult to really make any conclusions based on the results of this poll. (For example: Who is to say that the people with the highest EV range don't 'create' EV miles by storing braking energy to EV miles?)
I took the poll question to mean at the point you start the car after a full charge, but before the fan or A/C is turned on. He does say " at startup- without the fan". Of course the range would vary as you drove, especially on a long hill. I can pick up a tenth of a mile or sometimes two by the time I reach the bottom of my hill. I didn't include that in my answer.