Picked up the PPI today, anyone figure out the remote climate connect solution? I have the entune app on my android phone and the charge managment, vehicle finder works, but the remote climate doesn't, any suggestions, thanks.
Did you fill out the paperwork for Toyota Safety Connect yet? Some of the features won't work - and climate doesn't- until you've gotten that squared away. And then it took about a day after I'd put in the contract ID for things to get unlocked.
Yes, before I left the dealership, safety connect was activated and I completed the online, entune registration that included the safety connect ID entry. Thanks for your response and I'll see what happens tomorrow. I note the complete charge on entune says 13 miles EV, is that standard?
There's a thread here somewhere where Erica (from Toyota) helped a few Advanced owners work through the criteria needed for the Remote Climate Control to work.. off the top of my head.. the ones I remember are: 1. The temp on the climate control (CC) cant be greater than the outside temperature 2. The Remote CC wont work if the outside temp is lower than "something" (like 65 degrees or something like that) There were a few other conditions.. but I dont recall entirely