Well I just got my Magnetic Grey C3 yesterday, and I am definitely loving this car. My trip to work this morning was 29 miles with an average speed of 50mph, and I averaged 54mpg. Not bad for not even having 50 miles on the odometer yet. This is my first Prius, and I am impressed. Playing the mpg game trying to get higher and higher is definitely fun. Also, I already had two a-holes rage pass me while I was doing 60mph in the slow lane. They can have fun wasting gas in their gas guzzling SUV's.
haha, thats adorable to see them act the way we all used to act!!! Congrats on the new C, enjoy and have fun. The color is awesome...I settled for white, so I didnt have to wait for a grey. Read and learn more here, it is also great!
Congrats from another Magnetic Grey C3 owner Gotta love the rage-passing. I have a 5 mile (65mph) stretch I commute through twice a day and there is no shortage of epic passage. My favorites are the guys in the ginormous dirty pickup trucks who just HAVE to get to the job 12 seconds faster. The tailgating.. OH THE TAILGATING! All I see are big ugly Ford and Chevy logos filling my rear window before they swerve around me, cutting off the people in the next lane. (EDIT : And I always do the speed limit, so I'm not being pokey grandpa!) Really puts the danger of highway driving into perspective, IMO.
There are no shortage of rednecks in lifted pickup trucks here. lol The best is when someone rage passed you only to hit bumper-bumper traffic.
It is great, isn't it? I love being able to walk up to the hatchback with bags in my hand and just grab the handle without having to fumble in my pocket for keys. Seems like such a minor feature but has such a big impact on convenience.
It is great. I was putting all my softball gear in the back, and it was nice to just be able to grab the handle to open the hatch.
I had a liftback previously with the pushbutton/smartkey, but I went with the C2. After some initial adjustments, I'm getting re-accustomed to the traditional means of starting a car. I also got back a little perk I missed, the ability to switch to accessory mode (so I can keep the dash unit powered when desired).
I can do that on my C3 by pressing the power button twice without my foot on the brake A third press will turn the car off again.
I've been forcing myself to actually read the manual on this thing and that was one of the tidbits that I happened upon along with the fact that the armrest extends forward! I had NO idea the top of the center console slid forward like that LOL
Congrats on the new C3, we officially have Twins... Now i'm going to have to get a set of rims to differentiate the vehicles. lol