Being an OCD woman here(Obsessive-compulsive disorder), sorry, but I have to ask -- it's fine to drive without the cabin filter, correct? I hate meeces to pieces!!! Once again, Mickey and his furry little rodent terrorists have invaded my car and built a nest atop the cabin filter. Had to scoop mucho mice mess out. The filter really, really bad. Like worse than my husband after basketball..... It's been a few years since I have had ANY problems....but I still remember the drill. I pulled out filter, cleaned out mess, washed my hands three times and then ordered the replacement filter from my semi-local NAPA parts store. They won't have it for a day or so, and I can't get it until Saturday, probably. So, I know, logically, no problem, but then again -- OCD, you know....
Yes, you can drive without the cabin filter. I wouldn't recommend it for any length of time, esp if you have the fan blowing. Dust/pollen/etc could accumulate into the blower and cause problems long term. For a couple days, I doubt it'd be a big deal.
The OCD people I know would cut a piece of wire mesh to fit in place of the filter. Just the thought of random mouse parts in the fan blades would send them out to do it right now.
If I were entertaining unwanted guests I'd look to screen off whatever opening they are using. A coworker has a Lexus that was being used for a food storage bin. I am not sharing this thread with her.
Since you self-characterize as OCD, my suggestion would be that you buy three filters now so that you have two in inventory for the next time your car has a mouse infestation. I would say that a square of wire mesh would be excellent to install below the filter if you cannot figure out a way to keep the mice out. The point of the cabin air filter is to keep dust and worse out of the air conditioning system (which hampers efficiency of the system), which also slightly benefits the air you are breathing. You can operate the car without it for a limited time without causing harm.
In this case, the "and worse" involves mouse poop, and human respiratory systems. All kidding of OCD aside, my vote would be to get the filter fixed ASAP, and get those mouse holes fixed already.
Can you say "Hantavirus"? HPS shouldn't be a problem as long as she holds her breath while driving. I would suggest frequent stops for breathing. Tom
That's a good idea. You could aim it forward for forced induction, just watch out for the June Bugs. They taste bad. Tom
Thanks all!!! This is Oregon, we keep our car windows open 24-7 because the crappy Prius defog systems doesn't do much other than stir-up hanta buggies and the continual wash of rain in our faces helps to keep the viral level down to manageable. I probably should keep an extra filter around, but at $9.47 each, that's pricey. Actually, it's the first time I had much of a problem in two years or so from the rodent world. I should have known something was up though, because my dog kept sniffing around the wheel of the car, which usually indicates "prey detected." I forget who posted the wonderful guide on how to mouse-proof the Prius. For some reason, I think it was Dr. Patrick Wong. Anyway, it is a terrific document, but honestly, way too much work involved for me. I read it, read it again, went out to the car, looked at the cowling and decided I could find something less expensive to break. Hanta virus is a little bit out there. It does exist, but has never been found in my area, and according to the research, the odds of catching it are slim (it's kind of my field) no matter where you live. Not to say you should not be careful....but like the "bird flu" scare, I shrug a lot of the siege mentality off. K/