I went to the dealer to try and help sort out if we need the v or not. I took these to show my wife and thought I would share These don't help my case for not needing the v Standard Prius Prius v The suitcases stood up also
Very helpful for those wondering what the true difference is. Certainly would've helped my decision making, but I think I made the right choice, anyway.
I take it you are trying to talk your wife out of the v? Thanks for posting the pics. It would have helped me as well but I made a good decision for me. W
Wife wants the V, get her the V. Pretty simple decision. Worst car you'll ever own is the one the wife doesnt like. Anyhow, we went to the dealer to buy a Prius and took home a V. I had a 2G Prius and was amazed with what it carried but wife didnt like the rear view visibility issues with the 2g or 3g prius. The extra room with the V was an added bonus. Now that we've had it for ~12k miles, the extra room has been nice on more than one occasion.
LOL and so true. I went looking at a lift back but also didn't care for the rear visibility. I'm sur you adapt with time but I wasn't comfortable with it for me. The v fits us perfectly. Room for Costco runs without draining te fuel tank in the process. That same trip before was a 1/4 tank of gas. W
Mx5 - Write this 25 times on the blackboard: When The Prius-Borg Queen Is Happy Her Prius-Drone "Chauffeur" Is Happy Add to this the fact that the design Prius v “v”onder “v”agon hits the “$weet $pot” for balancing high fuel economy (you can easily beat EPA MPG by a minimum of 10%), driver-passenger comfort (you back, hip & leg joints and body will thank you), and cargo hauling (you can haul a boxed washing machine home from your favorite “Big Box" Store). Your Bride has out “v”isioned you on this one. lane:
why aren't the cooler and bags side by side in the liftback model? won't they fit? this is exactly why we bought the v - we have a road trip to CT in June and well be using all that space and then some.
When you look at the pictures where he shows the cooler as well as the bag... you will notice that in both cases, they are pushed up against the back seat and in the cas of the bags, they almost reach the edge of the liftback door, so it would cause a problem in closing the lift back. Remember, the back space of the Prius v is a.little deeper than the lift back.
Correct the bags would not fit the other way and close. I think the V is the way to go. I do like the extra milage and the way that the standard Prius drives better.
I appreciate the photo comparison, as I am currently contemplating a std Prius or a V ... as my next vehicle. However, I find a flaw in the comparison that it's not truelly apples to apples. In one you have the cooler side to side, the next front to back ... If I were to compare the true space, I would want to put both objects in the same way in both vehicles. I understand if it will not fit, however, that's all the more reason to show it that way - just my opinion, again I still appreciate your efforts.