just got the V. new to the prius mpg game. would like to thank the MID and your fuelly sigs for driving me bonkers.
So, do you have a 2012 Prius v wagon or a 2010 Prius model V (as in Roman numeral Five)? Agree w/RoyThePriusGuy.
Don't you people have more to do than chastise someone new who's showing a little enthusiasm for his recent purchase? Not every thread has to be new, unique, or offer profound Prius knowledge. Sometimes a guy just has to express himself, even if it's just saying " I love my new car!" Welcome to the club, Dongkeykong! No harm in starting a new thread, but pick your section & title carefully to avoid the grumpy naysayers. Their time is obviously too valuable to waste.
Yes welcome! Hope you got a great deal on your used Prius. How much did it set you back and the mileage on the car when you got it?
You're welcome. If we're driving you to bonkers we should ask you to pay for the gas. MID = MisInformation Display; Toyota's replacement for the Gen 2's "Guess Gauge". If you bought a late production 2010 the MID's FE is probably 6% high.
From what I understand it is very hard for any vehicle to 100% accurately measure metered gas. Gas expands and contracts and there is Ethanol in it, so I think the Prius does a pretty good job overall.
^^^ If only the mods edited the title too... I'm surprised they were deleted and they were so quick. We had a former troll here who kept posting misinformation and FUD for weeks if not months before someone finally put a stop to him. It became very annoying for me and others to keep having to chime in to correct his crap which would otherwise scare away potential buyers (some of which came in/started threads to ask legitimate questions).
I believe it was totally unfair to delete posts on this Thread. They were NOT offensive or utilize any discrimination/language. I'm certain many here agreed with my observation as to the OP, topic, and title. The Forum is becoming diluted with less-than-interesting Threads. Esp the "I love my new car!" ones, without sustance let alone information or observations. I guess the Forum Jumped The Shark...
for real! guess someone must have complained...didn't think it was that serious. in all fairness i agree that trolling in your scenario is pretty annoying and i wouldn't have minded if the title was changed. i guess some get my sense of humor and some don't hwell: hey at least we agree on one thing, i don't think it was necessary to delete all the posts. but we heard you the first thousand times you mentioned you don't like intro threads, do you really need to chime in again about it? what is wrong with sharing one's excitement, and who better to share than with other prius members who can identify with the same experience? i'm sure even you were at least somewhat happy when u first got ur car right? this forum isn't strictly about useful info and facts, sometimes it's ok to state opinions and experiences. "I'm certain many here agreed with my observation as to me, topic, and title." relax man, it's not that serious. take ur prius out of ECO mode once in a while, things will work out.