The center lift brace snagged it and ripped a hole in it while open (my mistake). The whole event occured so quickly, no time to react. Will begin my search for a new one. any leads appreciated.
condolences. i've done it 3 times. fortunately, only scratched the paint. when i get my new pip next week, i'm either gonna shorten the lifter arm or put a restraint on the hatch. all the best!
I don't want to sound insensitive, but the problem is all your fault. The garage is not for cars. It is for the table saw, miter saw, lathe, router table and work bench! It took me years but I have convinced my wife of this FACT, now I have to work on you guys.
Happened to me the day I brought my Prius home! Wrapped duct tape around that brace so it wouldn't scratch the spoiler again in case I forgot my sad lesson!
OK, here's how it all went down. Normally, the garage door clears the hatch when up, when the car is parked straight in. I had the car positioned in the garage at an angle, installing an under-seat hide-away Kicker sub to try and "round out" the stereo sound - it did. Highly recommended, perfect fit, invisible, solid bass punch when needed. This is a 2 car garage, and the auto door opener lift-brace/jack-arm projects down from the center of the door about 10", at a location between the cars when normally parked. Neighbor cranked up his leaf blower (from hell), so I shut the door, not realizing the interference issue until too late. I located a new spoiler, study removal technique, and will conduct a swap this weekend, and try to put all this behind me, as if it never happened, definitely never will again - lesson learned. Dealer said he has sold 5 in the past 2 years.
Kicker - Hideaway 8" Subwoofer with Enclosure and Integrated 150W Amplifier Model: 11HS8 Kicker - Hideaway 8" Subwoofer with Enclosure and Integrated 150W Amplifier - 11HS8 It fits like it was designed for the Prius. Very tight bass.
Count me in the club. For those of you who only received scratches, did you devise a way to hide them? Mine are not bad but still visible. I wonder if that wax that they advertise to fill in scratches (in this case black-colored wax would be needed) would work? Or maybe touch-up black paint?
Hmmmmm... What about the Kubota tractor? We bunged the rolling metal garage door pretty bad when when my husband caught it on the tractor roll-bar going in. Tractor - 1 Garage Door - 0
Here's what I did BEFORE the worst case scenario..( forgetting lift back hatch was open and opening garage door). I took the strap that I believe was included with the car (to tie a flat tire down in the trunk)...passed it through one of the tie down rings at the back inside of the trunk....took a small closable hook with a swivel ring on it...passed the strap through the swivel on the hook...adjusted the strap so that the trunk lid (when hooked in to this devise) and hooked through the lift hatch "U" shaped latch hook (see photo) WOULD NOT allow the hatch to raise high enough to hit the garage door. The only flaw in this system is...well... the owner/operator of the Prius remembering to use this device in a pro active way. Good luck to all of us! The strap always stays attached to the tie down ring in the trunk and is employed as needed - and unclipped from the hatch "U" shaped latch hook when not needed. It works and is there waiting for you brain to engage and use it!
I thought of doing something similar, but I would've attached the loop through one of the "handles" on the inside of the hatch so that it is always there. As you mentioned, the way you have it set-up, you need to remember to attach the strap to the hatch to prevent the hatch from going all the way up.