Even if the car has 1000 miles on it when it gets to you, its still a new car and the mileage doesn't count against the warranty. Also just think of it as an extended test run. If your current camry was registered, then it is no longer a new car. Most likely they involved Toyota in the dignosis at some point and Toyota offered to buy the car back from the dealer. I think you made out pretty good considering the other possible outcomes. Toyota has been sensitive to bad pr when it comes to quality issues lately with all the recalls that have been happening. This same situation happened to a friend, they bought back his tacoma.
No, no. I don't think the picture is getting across clearly. There's no WAY the car could be registered. It came to the my driveway at 10 p.m. on Tuesday. Nine hours later at 7 a.m. the battery was dead, because the car had the defect(s) before we even bought it. The DMV wouldn't have even had had my paperwork available, even IF I could get there. The car has never left my driveway EXCEPT to go back to the dealership. The contract has already been canceled. The sum total of my experience having the vehicle is a few hours of looking at sitting motionless in the driveway. At this point, I'm back as square one and thinking maybe I should go BACK to regular Prius HB like I intended in the first place. Dear husband doesn't like the Prius, but I'm the commuter. The whole experience with the Camry has left me shell-shocked. But I still think I want a hybrid. In any case, I believe our drama with the Camry XLE is OVER unless for some reason the other party wants to involve lawyers. I don't foresee this however, so I think unless anyone has specific questions the thread is history! :yield:
Any updates? We love our Camry HV so far, if your car had this issue in such a short amount of time, it has to be something they can pinpoint and diagnose.. It's probably something minor causing all these headaches - I'd say try and forgive the Camry HV over this issue, all around it feels much more like a car/sedan than a Prius..
It turned out to be the inverter, which is a pretty serious issue. I don't know if they found anything else wrong, as the sales contract was canceled. For now we are biding our time, watching inventories, and giving more serious consideration to the regular Prius in addition to the Camry HV. The Camry was a sweet car to be sure, when it was running! I am very happy that you are pleased with yours.