Thanks Dr. I added a note to keep all posters above your >0 line. If there is anything else that can be added to get more out of the data, let me know. Thanks,
True, the Sheet is unprotected. I am copying the Data to my PC nightly and saving it by the Date. If anyone sees mis-information, let me know and I can recover needed data. Hopefully pagemillroad will Reply and let us know that he or she is real and the data is real. If not, we'll delete it. If Anyone knows how to make this Google sheet more Secure, let us know. Thanks,
ukr2 As I said in post #19, the drinnovation formula is not working correctly and the reason is that someone moved it from the place dr put it to the top of the sheet! If you want, I can fix it back to where dr put it originally, so it will calculate correctly.
Dr, I haven't used DSUM before and am trying to understand the parameters, but the ranges look strange. =DSUM($B$2:$D$51,"Miles",A3:B4)/DSUM($B$2:$D$51,"Gallons",A3:B4) The Data starts in Row 5. Here is the top of the MPG Sheet. Can you explain how the DSUM formula works?
I've never used it either.. so I looked it up.. very interesting.. I'm no spreadsheet jockey.. but always good to know MS Excel: DSum Function
I added my data from an iPad and it did not perform the calculations. If someone can correct that, I would appreciate it (Work computer blocks google docs).
Got it. I just Copied the cells above your line and Pasted into your cells. Thanks for adding your data.
ukr2, 1. I see that you (or somebody else) fixed the formula for fleet average and it is working properly now. 2. I see that someone (maybe you) added a simple formula (currently in row 59) to do same calculation, however, unlike the dr formula this simple formula will not work correctly if the data will be sorted in a different way it is sorted now and also with a new entry that is missing data. So, I think this simple formula should be deleted from sheet.
Seems people figured out Dsum Since someone alsed for other useful things, I went ahead and added a formulae for fleet average of EV Miles/kWh and EV % With 3 examples people can probably see how to add whatever else they want). Enjoy
Yes, I moved the Criteria Lines to the bottom and the Fleet Avg line to the top and added the Bottom line stating to Stay Above this Line. I noticed the added Fleet info, so I modified them to use the same Criteria line. Then cleaned up the boarder and color formatting. Always open for more fillup data and analysis.
Hmm looking at it some use 36 something for MPGe, but the EPA formula is based on 33.7kwh per gallon. Also the formula for overall MPG Equiv is incorrect. needs to be a harmonic mean or computed directly from the formula 33.7*Total_Miles/(33.7*gas_used+kwh_used), so ely105 should be 57.29 Would you like me to correct these?
Agree that if we want to compare results to EPA ratings (e.g. if ely105 wants to know how he is doing compared to EPA sticker) we should use EPA figure for energy content of 1 gallon of gasoline (33.7 kWh). Furthermore, since kWh report by the car is 'consumed', the charging losses (15%?) should be factored in to stay compatible with EPA, and column Q header should then say: WtW EV MPGe. Agree that the formula for overall MPG(e) needs to be corrected. Having said that, we should bear in mind that these MPG(e)s are at the consumer end only (Pump to Wheels and Wall to Wheels) and are good for costs calculations and comparisons. More detailed analysis of efficiencies and GHG emissions should take into account total efficiency and total GHG emissions (Well to Wheels).
Yes since primary point of MPGe is for cross-vehicle comparison it needs to be in the proper units. Since MPGe is, as EPA uses it, a mixture of walls-to-wheels and tank-to-wheels, calling it wtw makes no sense. Good points on the charging loss.. I just went ahead and corrected the formulas to use 33.7 and wherever it used kwh to use (1.15*kwh) Charger inefficiency may be closer to 20% but at least this is reasonably close. Anyone know the actual efficiency for a PiP? So far I've seen kill-a-watt estimates but none comparing the kill-a-watt to the internal display..
drinnovation, You have to correct formula at T1 (Fleet average composite MPGe) as it is wrong as well.
Thanks, its now working correctly. And I did not want to imply you did them, just asked you to fix them.
Yes, thanks Dr. ALSO, I will be away Monday, April 16 - Tuesday, April 24. Vacation to Northern Ireland. Will someone Volunteer to email me a daily copy of the MPG sheet? Please let me know today or Sunday. Procedure: Open the Spreadsheet, Select File, Download As, Excel, and select Open. Excel will open on your PC with the spreadsheet and all the tabs. Right-click the MPG tab, select Move or Copy, check the "Create a Copy" box, for "To book" Select New file, then OK. Excel will open a new file with only the MPG sheet. Save it as "MPG-mm-dd-yy" and email it to [email protected] I and All those with data on the sheet would really appreciate it. Thanks,
I'd probably forget and while I trust google's revisions, if you want a download copy you should be able to use google scripts that downloads them for you every day at a regular time. Checkout ExampleScripts - googlecl - Example commands and tasks GoogleCL can do. - Command line tools for the Google Data APIs - Google Project Hosting If you want to keep doing it long term, maybe better if you set that up for yourself both for the trip and for the long term.
Dr, I'll setup google scripts when I get back. For this trip, Tracksyde has agreed to send me the downloads. Thanks, Tracksyde.