I don't understand what you mean by support under the thighs. More cushioning or a different angle? I was thinking that a higher butt area that sloped down to the knees would be better but I don't know. Keep us informed if you have a solution.
If you sit in a low seat with your knees up so the back of your thighs are not on the seat, not taking any weight, all the weight is concentrated at your butt area. I think this is what is happening in the Prius seat. The Prius power seat has a specific adjustment just for that problem.
I read and reread all the threads on the issue because I'm debating between a solar three and solar four. ProximalSuns' regret thread keeps ringing in my ear. You made the clearest description of the problem so far. Today I went to dealership to experience the issue. First I sat in the three. Felt it but don't know if I was conditioned to know there's a problem. I'll add that its like the chair is pitched angled backwards and downward so you get that pressure centered on your butt. Then I sat in the four and experienced the same discomfort. but the powered lumbar support that extends and supports your lower back made an incredible difference. I started thinking wow this could be worth an extra $5k. Then reality struck and realized that I can't afford that. So I'm looking forward to solutions. Tush cush sounds great with positive reviews on amazon.
However - to fully support your calves - it would appear that one must use this particular product counter to its instructions: with the cutout section designed to reduce pressure on the tail bone turned around - so that the thickest (3") portion is positioned outward - right behind the knees...
I bought a 2011 Prius 3 in Feb. (no power seats) and my wife and I just completed a 3300 mile trip (drove 840 miles yesterday.) We both thought that it was as comfortable as our 2004 Sienna XLE van (power driver's seat) and were pleased with how comfortable the Prius is to drive long distances.
I believe it all depends on the individual. I have driven my 2010 IV coast to coast 3 times, and looking forward to doing it again in May. I find the car extremely comfortable. (I am 6'3" tall, 190 pounds).
OK, so I read through this whole thread because I, too, am having butt aching issues. I didn't for the first 10 months I had the car, but now my job requires more sitting than before, I sprained my ankle so my exercise stopped, then when I drive it can be a pretty long drive. My butt is fighting back. Essentially, my tailbone feels like I have a thong pulling on it (I don't) enough to feel bruised when I'm sitting. I'm fine when I'm standing. I am also going to physical therapy for lower back pain, which I'd thought was unrelated but now as I write this I wonder. I do have the power seats, which I love. I'm 5'ish, about 125 pounds, 43 (aka the new 23). I have longer legs than torso and I can sit pretty far back. I do hike the seat up to almost the highest position. I think my legs are at a pretty good angle, at least about what the PT guy says they should be. Your knees should be BELOW your thighs, angled down. Unlike what one responder said, having the seat higher puts more of your weight on your thighs, not less. I think I've played with the lumbar support some in the past and I'm thinking now that the changes I made may have made things worse. Plus, with my size it seems the lumbar support that inflates does so too high. It's more like in the center of my back and not the lumbar portion. If I were a taller, bigger person - or maybe sitting on a wedge - then that might actually help. So, at any rate, I went to Relax the Back, a store filled with all sorts of ergo-squishy stuff. I thought for sure the butt wedge with the cutout would do it for me, but I sat down on it and groaned in pain. I sat on a whole slew of butt wedges and they did nothing to ease the pain. Then I sat on this funky folding curvy seat that was sitting on a real car seat (in the middle of the store, it was a little odd). It had embroidery reading "Sit on me," so I did. NO PAIN. I dragged all these things out to the parking lot and tried them in my car. In a nutshell, it's the lumbar support that shifted me enough that the car seat causes next to no pain. That "Sit on me" seat is something like $250 so I opted to buy two other lumbar things that seemed pretty effective instead. I have a 6 hour drive next week. I'm going to try one one direction and the other on the return. He said I have a 30 day return no questions asked deal. So those of you who haven't found a solution, consider a good lumbar thingy. Try several, they definitely varied in effectiveness.
If you can, post pictures and part numbers of the items you are trying. Also that $250 device you seen. Post some info on that. Might be a good thing for others. BTW, welcome to the Prius addiction Mike
I have the power seat with lumbar adjustment, and still sometimes get numb cheeks on really long drives. Remembering to move around once in a while certainly helps avoid this. Being able to easily change lumbar and seat position, and the ability to maintain the seat bottom angle, are big pluses of the power seat. I still think the seat bottom needs more cushion. My wife and I did not have problems when using an old (cheap) butt wedge cushion from Relax the Back. The pricier tempurpedic butt wedge was denser and better, but we found it too thick to use comfortably in the driver's seat, even with the built in leg scoops.
She's probably referring to McCarty's Sacroease. This one or another model of it - McCarty's Sacroease Back Support | Relax The Back
i'm on the side of uncomfortable seats. i really woudl have that that toyota would have designed the seats for max comfort being that its a hybrid and very likely to do road trips