Sorry if this has been talked about a ton but a search yielded very little help. What are people paying for insurance on their 2010-2012 Prius? I could use some guidance on this since I'm in the planning stages of buying a 2012. Thanks!
Don't remember specific totals, but today committed to buy a 2012 Prius IV with Solar Roof. Insurance will be only $11 a month more than the 1997 Camry with 188K miles it is replacing!
Insurance will vary with location and the person driving. Best way to find out is to call your insurance and they can quote you. But to give you a point of reference. I budget about $84 a month. Full coverage, 21st century and I'm 29 in SoCal. So my 6 month premium is around $500.
$1k / year for 100k/300k bodily injury and uninsured motorist* 100k 250 comp 500 collision deduct. 2011 Prius plus '88 toyota pickup * do not get minimum 15/30k BI and UI , that would be insane. Costs only a little more to get even to 250k/500k coverage which is not unreasonable these days.
If its a ballpark you're looking for, there are too many factors to look at and everyone will have different premiums, i.e., age, marital status, multi-car/vehicle/home/etc, experience, history, location, sex, driving frequency, multi-drivers, student, which insurer/coverage and so forth. I personally pay $40/mo full coverage with $1000 deductible. I have a clunker on the account and renters ins to bring the rate down with state farm. Just get quotes so you can get accurate ideas.
The Prius should have no major difference in rates vs another similarly priced car within the same class - mine is within $50.00 of others on the policy. I added an enhanced GAP to mine because I bought the Prius with no money down and 0% for 5 years -- so it will be underwater for a while. I think this was $30.00.
My 2010 Prius IV's premium is $550/yr - full coverage. Agree with recommendation to NOT buy minimum coverage - worthless if you have an accident. Having insurance does not absolve one of financial responsibility in an accident. You can be sued for cost of damages that exceeds your policy limits, assuming you're at fault. Rule of thumb: Buy the amount of insurance you think you could potentially be sued for.
The price difference has all to do with the coverage desired and the particular state you reside -- You should not make your decision based on what others in another state are paying. You need to purchased enough to protect your assets and to provide for your own protection should another driver injure you and be uninsured or underinsured. Many people don't carry enough to protect from the latter.
I live in VA and for full coverage, 100,000/300,000, 250 deductible, I pay about $70 a month. I also have $600 allowance for rental car.
I'm in VA as well and I do 300k/300k, $250 deductible, full coverage, but no allowance for rental car and I'm getting about $88/month for a $533 6 month premium. Hmmm..
I'm in VA as well, full coverage, paying 52/mo for new Prius but: Multi-car discount Good driver discount Not a male under 25 (60 in fact) H.O. Insurance same company Umbrella policy too So as someone stated, there are many variables. Perhaps the most important was my first comment in string... Going from '97 Camry with high mileage to new Prius IV only cost 11/mo. Btw: State Farm
I'm paying 840 a year for 2 Prius'. Of course the county I am in is less populated so we get a huge discount for that, and I'm 62. I got my insurance through AARP who contracted it to The Hartford. The OP should have mentioned his age, and location to have a chance of getting a reasonably accurate ballpark number.
Full coverage is a meaningless term -- The difference within the same class will show up in the collision premium -- possibly a little in the Liability. fattymoocow -- you have a better policy -- it will cost a bit more. The rental will only add a few dollars to the policy. The mistake people make is to lower the limits or remove coverage to save money. I have high limits and high deductibles. Insurance should be for catastrophic occurrences -- not glass chips. Ask what 500/500 also called CSL (combined single limit) costs with a 500 or 1k deductible and UI/UM at the same limits -- then you can see the way a particular company does its rates. Or lower limits like 300CSL and an Umbrella policy. Combining policies normally does result in reduced rates.
I use AAA insurance written thru Travelers and have huge coverage esp if I cause bodily damage - don't want 1 accident to delete my life savings from their medical bills. Anyway, my difference in premium was $8 more per 6 months between a brand new 2011 prius and a 10 yr old audi, everything else stayed the same. I was shocked!!
I'm just really confused because Geico is telling me around $250/6 months but every other carrier is around $800-$1000/6 months. That is a crazy difference.
Far more dependent on your driving record, credit score, and where you live than what kind of car you drive. Also higher deductibles will lower rates, there are multi-car discounts, and it helps if you have other insurance with the same company. All other factors being equal I paid a little less to insure the Prius when it was new than I did to insure my 4 year old BMW. Probably due to the fact that not many Prius are stolen and Toyotas are cheaper to fix than German cars. I live in a small town, have a good driving record and high deductibles and I probably pay less for full coverage than almost anyone else on this forum.
Clean record 2012 package 3 $81.83 a month/$491.00 for the 6 months. 100/300 for bodily injury/uninsured motorist/etc. 500 deductable, full glass no deductable. 30 a day for 30 days car rental ($900.00). Arizona
I have Geico but after this 6 month commitment I am on i'm looking to get State Farm. Its about 70 more expensive but the special care i'm getting is worth it I believe.