So we have this thread on the forums so I thought it would be fun and try out here. Just finish the sentence, it's that simple. I'm anxious to see some funny but true ones posted up. I'll start. You know your a Prius C owner when... other prius cars pace you to check out your ride eace: you spend more money on your girlfriend than you do gas (I used to pay 500 a month in gas so ya )
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... You know your a Prius C owner when... performance is spelled M-P-G.
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... You no longer care when stuck behind slow moving traffic because you'll just get better mpg's
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... Don't care about the car behind you when you leave a traffic light, and drive on the right lane instead of the passing left lane.
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... You know you're a Prius c owner when you make the final payment.
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... You know you're a Prius C owner when you are so enchanted by the EV light that you fail to notice you are going 30 mph in a 40 mph zone.
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... ...when you constantly blind oncoming traffic with your high beams because you are too busy looking at your eco-score screen to turn them off.
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... When you see a steep hill about a mile ahead and you accelerate way ahead of time to prepare getting up that hill!
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... When you become a vegetarian because meat has too high a carbon footprint.
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... laugh at any other car that gets worse gas mileage than you do.
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... Haha, love this. I love getting in traffic now! "I'm not going slow, it's these guys in front of me!"
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... you don't mind waiting in the drive thru lane, even though there are 10 cars ahead of you! -M
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... think the front door of your house should have a proximity sensor have a friend's car's mpg programmed into your cost analyzer for bragging rights
Re: You know your a Prius C owner when..... ... your significant other tells you that you drive like an old person and you just smile and think of the great gas mileage you're getting!!! ... you check the wind direction before you drive anywhere!