If you look at a 5-day work week, I think it is closer to 600 miles per day. IIRC, 2 fas 4 u is in the medical supply delivery business. What amazes me is his safe driving ability, given all the idiots on the road.
Jusr bought one with 9 miles on it. Drove from LA to NorCal, 360 miles on it now. about 40 mpg for the trip. Looking forward to report.
Question? This happened twice, get down to about less than 10 miles to go, fill up it only takes 10 gallons then says I have about 500 cruise to go. If this is a 11 gallon tank would it be fair to say I could have gone maybe another 50 miles or so, dont want to experiment however I am just curious to know. While I am here just to let u know if u have an advance auto in your part of town they have a nice special 5 qts of extended mobil 1 with mobil filter $35 5 qts = 45 filter mobil = 19 total $65 expires 3-28-12
The fuel tank is almost 12 gallons (11.9) so you could have gone an extra 1.9 x mpg. I think no one should experiment pushing the miles, running out of gas is not optimal for wear and tear. However you do get road side assitance for a while so maybe you want to test that
UPDATE: 20000 Oil Change / rotate tires Average between 48 and 51 Checked Air Filter she still looks good.
we are talking about the american prius V taking in to account the american health.. i would say more then possible to do that in 9 months about the health for the prius V in that case i am worried
@2 fas 4 u- sounds like you drive the same turf I do- wind has been a killer this past week, I haul medical equip up and back and around wpb-south mia. not every day though- enough to rack up 10,000 miles since December. Right now I am at 41.7mpg hand calc. South miami stop & go with heavy traffic is not helping
Yes but not quite enough to do it within 9 months (assuming purchase was end of Oct 2011 when the v first debuted)! Time to get cracking!
pdp, Please scroll back to see Msg#3 of this thread. 2fas had 3.1K miles on 1/30/2012. So, in ~2 months, he put in 30K-3.1K = 27K miles! At this rate, his v will cross 100K in Oct time frame.
Please scroll back to message #1, the assumption was someone could reach 100k in 6 months from the end of Jan 2012, which will be end of this coming July, not October
pdp, Now I see your point... I think 2fas will have ~80K by end of July. He will need another 1.5 to 2 months to reach 100K. Nonetheless, I think 2fas' v will be the first to cross the magic 100K
If you push him too hard, 2 fas might jack up the front, spin the wheel while he sleep at night, to reach your "goal"
I ran out of gas once in the 2002 prius and drove it the mile to the station (downhill thankfully). You could fill up a gas can, put it in the car, and experiment that way. No harm no foul. You should see how the dashboard lights up when the fuel is gone, like the enterprise on red alert. And it starts to print messages in french if you ignore them. Do note, the tank holds 1 gallon less at freezing temperature. Do the math on metal contraction if you don't believe the manual. It works out to be right.