How many are having fun learning the EV Foot Flick to improve their MPG? Must admit I've just recently discovered it and am very pleased how it can easily improve MPG. I'm a bit confused as to when the computer allows the car to be flicked into EV? Sometimes it will work and sometimes, while monitoring the ECO score gauge (HSI pg.195 of owner's manual), I cannot get it to "flick" into EV. Any tips as to how to get it into EV more often? I do notice EV mode cannot be induced over speeds in the low 40 mph zone, but at other times, at lower speeds, it seems a hit or miss thing. Main battery is showing above 1/2 charge, so it must be something else the computer is looking at. Any advice?
I've actually on occassion gotten it to go ev no light on though over 50 mph I see it on the 5 min consumption screen. Any time you are not coasting and you are getting 99+ mpg you are in ev even if it doesn't show ev. I also notice if i flicker my foot I can increase to 75+ mpg for about 5 seconds then it comes back down to around 50 mpg
I either read it on one of the other PC forums or watched a YT vid... can't remember. While monitoring the ECO score display, after coming up to your cruising speed, if your speed is less than the low forties that I've observed, if you quickly let off on the gas pedal and reapply pressure to the gas pedal (flick the pedal), while watching the meter, the meter will drop to "zero" and as you reapply the pedal, it will approach the "eco" line from the bottom up and the car will run on the electric motors only vs gas/electrical motor combo. It will essential "turn off" the gas motor to allow you to save fuel. If you don't let off the gas and continue cruising, the gas motor continues to run. You will be able to tell when you are running only on the electric motors as the "EV" light will illuminate in the ECO score display. Go over the halfway mark by pressing the gas pedal too hard and the gas engine turns on again and the EV light will turn off in the display.
Oh I do this all the time, assuming I'm understanding you correctly. Some people say it's bad to run strictly EV a lot, though, so I'm still unclear on the best way to drive. But I live on a 40 mph road, so whenever I get up to speed, I let off the gas then maintain speed in EV.
As I understand it, this is no different from gliding in my Gen II. Which is a tried and tested method over many years.
Might be the same thing... but with the c being targeted at young, first time buyers of hybrids, I thought this was a great way to alert them of a small thing they could do to easily increase their mpg. I owned a 2007 touring for years and I never knew about this, though I was not the primary driver of that car. My wife, who had been driving the 07, never knew about this either till I showed her how to use the meter to "force" it to run in EV mode on the c.
Thanks, I'll have to try and look for it then and see what they say... but, you know how many people/owners actually read their manuals! With the ECO score gauge displayed, it makes it relatively easy to interact with the car to get into it and confirm EV mode.
Only owned my new Prius C for 24 hours, but in the 3-4 short (10-20min) trips I have taken, I always do the EV foot flick. I pay attention to the EV only and when I dont need to step on the gas, I use EV and try not to go over the eco line. I also found that when in eco Mode, it makes it easier, as eco Mode is a bit more forgiving on bumpy roads (when you foot isnt steady) But, yes using too much EV will just make the ICE come on to help charge. So when does saving gas actually start using gas? not sure. Another way I have been economizing it is this: When the EV mode doesnt want to come on (and the ICE is running) then I normally gas it until top of eco, and just before the RED power This is because I know the ICE is going to run, and I take advantage of the minimal power it can put out....and it is going to run anyway. But when I do release the gas and the EV mode light comes on, I just ry my best to stay in EV mode. As long as you are on a flat road, I dont think there is a MPH max for EV only. But the slightest increase or a hill, you need to step on it into the eco. For the 80 miles I have driving so far, each trip is hovering at 60MPG and overall is 56MPG.
What I do is drive it to 15 - 45 mph, depends on what speed you want, then release the gas pedal and the " EV " should show up on the little monitor IF the battery has enough juice. then you press the pedal, but not over the "ECO". then the car is only using the motor. I got 79.9 MPG for a 10 miles trip(40 mph) last time by using this method.
I have to get completely off the gas then LIGHTLY engage the gas pedal. If you don't get off completely you don't go into EV at higher speeds
Fuelly error. It doesn't factor partial fill ups correctly. Dealer installed stuff and took rear cargo cover out, forgot it, promised me two free fill ups. I hate partial fill ups but couldn't make it on one tank so around 150 miles out I threw 10 bucks in worth of gas. Now it's calculating based off my first tank having an extra 300some miles on it.
I should post on you know you're a Prius owner if... But there's a back story lol I'm contemplating foregoing the second free fill up just so I can get Fuelly correct. But prices just went up and that's almost 35 free dollars!
Just did a reasonable calculation assuming the flashing light was at 1.2 based off trip mpg of 54.7 avg to correct Fuelly error for you kkim lol
I think I mentioned in another thread that Toyota lists this on the green color "quick guide" type thing. Accelerate to speed, let off accelerator, push back down.
shucks... I was hoping you had some secret decoder ring magic that you would share with us about how to double the MPGs from our c's.
If you did, I don't remember your post, but I did find the YT vid that I learned this technique from...
the EV flick works in normal cars too, as far as I can tell. I get MUCH better mileage than my wife in her 2012 Kia Optima. It's true, the prius is really good at teaching people how to be efficient drivers!