As for the battery, my numbers originally showed 12.9 and it has since dropped to 11.9, which concerned me, but I still get 13+ on the freeway (no charging while driving). I'm going to run my test again tomorrow so I'll report back on that as well.
Yeah, I was concerned too. First I learned about the cabin fan thing to get back a mile. Still don't understand why just the fan would have such an impact when headlights, DRLs, radio, etc seem to have no impact. It's just a little fan! Anyway, I've found that with the regeneration, I generally get a little more than the stated EV range. And I have also found that if I'm driving lightly as I get toward the bottom, it'll sit on 0.1mi EV for a lot longer than 0.1mi and let me keep going in EV until it finally switches to HV... so maybe the estimate is conservative, but it'll still try to let you use up that last remaining charge before forced HV mode... and then if you can, keep it all electric (under the ECO line) as long as you can too! And you'll get good EV range.
I decided to torture my PIP today to see what it could do with a series of really steep hills my PIP showed 11.6 at the start and I got 8.6 in real life. I really stressed the car, but it ran like a champ and on my way home with about 4 miles to go it shifted smoothly into HV mode. No worry here this PIP does it all, and still pulled out 286 MPG. After lunch I recharged my PIP and took it on my normal route, the miles traveled on electric went right back up. It’s all about terrain and how you push the car. If I used HV on some of the steep hills my EV range would have been much better, but this was an experiment. I also used the car fan and as always it made the computer show a mile and a half-drop. I noticed if you add the AC into the mix it didn’t change one bit! I suspect when the fan is turned on the computer subtracts what it thinks you might use running the AC.
Then that's a baaaad glitch that needs a firmware update. I run the fan only on LO and the lowest speed with no AC. I can't imagine that little bit of air flow from a relatively tiny fan would cost the equivalent of moving a multi-thousand pound vehicle an entire mile....
I've seen this as well, regardless if AC is used or just fan. fortunately, the pollen count is down from 9000 when the pip arrived to about 100 now, and can open the windows and turn off fan for that last couple miles home. It's fun to arrive back in garage with the EV mode light blinking. Also noticed that EV range starting up has increased to 12.9 from 12.8; this after taking a couple of EV only trips from house and recharging after each, and getting more mileage on those trips than indicated. Oh, and does anyone else notice that using the cruise control on EV seems to help efficiency? There's always a 3 or 4 mile stretch i can do this on.
It was only 35 degrees this morning so too cold to run my all EV test on my commute. In case anyone wasn't aware, the efficiency of the car is less when it's cold. In my 2006, I'd average 55-57+ in the winter and 58-60+ in the summer.
Without using the fan, my EV range at full charge seems to have stabilized at about 11.7. I have a 10 mile R/T drive for work and have a few hills that seem to average out. I use about 10 miles of EV range on the R/T. So if the batteries learn based upon my driving style (and I am as light as I can be on the throttle) I will never see more than the 11.7 range. It's frustrating since many others are seeing 13+ at full charge.
I wish I knew what determined how many EV miles show on the car. I thought it might be the miles per KWh. My car shows that for the 1646 miles driven so far, 571 miles were EV using 100 KWhs. Today my vehicle shows 15.1 EV miles available. Usually it is 14.8 or 14.9. The highest is a one time 15.4 miles. My car shows 75 MPG for the life of the car. I am a 73 year old who drives slower than most. Driving EV I seldom push the Hybrid System Indicator bar past the middle.
Yes - Winner, Winner! You have, by far, the largest range yet! :rockon: Luckily you must live in an area where you won't get shot for driving too slowly.