I'll be charging twice a day, at home at at work. I've read in a number of places the assertion that ideally a charge should wait until the battery is cool. There's a timer in the PiP to allow you to plug in but delay charging until a specified time. But in order to do this twice a day I'm going to have to keep resetting this timer, twice a day, yes? Any suggestions for an easier way? I've thought of putting a lights-type timer on the wall to plug in in the garage that only passes power, say, after 3am. But I'm already going to be going through a Kill-a-Watt and I'd be concerned about the electrical hazards, and I don't know if that would even work if the timer of the car won't start charging until 1pm.
There are actually 2 timers available, one for START and one for END... which should do fine for your need. You press once to choose your preprogrammed START time or twice for END. Since you have the advanced package, there smart-phone app will let you check status and you'll get email notify you of status. Let us know what you find works best. .
I usually perform three full charges per day (giving the battery/EV system a rest whenever possible) and I have to change the timer settings all of the time: Once before going to work, once before leaving work, and once before my evening activities. It would have been nice if Toyota would have put in at least two timer ('end time') settings. It has not happened yet but I'm certain I will screw up AM/PM value sometime and wake up to go to work with an uncharged battery.
Haven't done it yet but it is bound to happen sometime... I charge at work too. I am curious about start and end times, why would you need both?
I also usually charge 3 times a day: 5am Start - before I go to work at 8am 10am Start - to partially charge before 1:30am lunch Then 2pm Start - to finish the charge before going home at 4pm My normal commute is 14.2 miles, therefore I'm on HV when I get to work or home. It's easy to change the Start times. I don't use the Stop times. A Multi-Start Timer would be nice.
I think I kinda figured this out... You do not need to set a start and end time for each charge. It's actually two separate timers. I have changed mine to this: Start timer set to 2:30am for overnight charge (to end around 5:30am) End timer set to 2:30pm for at work charge (to start around 11:30am) Whichever is on-screen at the time you press and hold to set the timer function (start or finish) is the one that will activate.
That's the strategy I guessed would work best for the twice-a-day approach... START = HOME END = WORK It's what I'll suggest in the User-Guide. Thanks for the feedback. .