Now that I think about it, doesn't what cmumford ask for require that you have the Personal Hotspot feature (Use Bluetooth to tether your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad | Macworld and iOS: Understanding Personal Hotspot) which costs extra via your carrier? Not that I have a car w/Entune but I definitely am not paying for the Personal Hotspot feature from my carrier. I'd have to forever leave my AT&T "unlimited" data plan to one w/a limit then pay an extra $20/month (IIRC) for the months I want it enabled.
Yes. Apple and ATT/Verizon's fault. They disabled that feature in iPhone Bluetooth. Not an issue for Android's and Blackberry's. You can connect the iPhone via USB and it will connect to internet for Traffic, Bing, Pandora, Weather, etc. If you pay ATT for "Personal Hotspot Tethering", the iPhone will connect via Bluetooth. $30 a month. Nope. The USB or Personal Hotspot Tethering provide Traffic, Pandora, Bing etc without the Entune app running. About the same as my Escape Hybrid. Actually a bit better as the 6" standard display can do radar weather maps which the Escape could not. There is a 7" higher definition screen which has ability to do XMNavTraffic via XM satellite vs. phone. There is some issue with iPhone addresses. Either iPhone is storing them with too many options and Toyota can't read or Toyota has an issue. I understand it is not an issue on Android and Blackberry. Since the internet connection issue is Apple's, I'm guessing Apple has addresses in non-standard format and Toyota can't "see" them. Mine can see one or two addresses and navigate to them and I'm trying to figure out the pattern. I think that's disabled for safety reasons. No one should txting or email while driving. Not sure why anyone would want txt or email on the car screen vs. the iPhone screen. Traffic interfaces with the Nav and gives overlays showing congestion, accidents, etc. and will offer to reroute you if they are on your current selected navigation route. If no route is active, it will still show the congestion levels. Very useful feature. You'd lose that bet. I had Synch on my Escape Hybrid and same issues in various forms. Toyota and Entunes is a step up, a small one but definitely up. 1. Bing search and then hit Navigate to...very cool feature. 2. Nav is set to read phone addresses and navigate to them. An Apple/Toyota issue to be resolved but Synch could not do that all. You are right, the Toyota system is frustrating but they all are in various ways. Internet search and Nav to location is key. Traffic overlay and reroute is key. Toyota has those. Other stuff is interesting but not essential.
I just got my C on friday, and I haven't had time to completely go through the unit yet. I did adjust the contrast all the way (-) and the brightness all the way (+), which makes the screen semi-viewable during the day. Honestly, I am disgusted with the head unit. The audio quality is good, but the screen is bad, it's horribly slow and so far I have not got Entune working. But honestly, why do I want Entune? Stocks? I HAVE A SMARTPHONE IN THE CAR, WHY DO I WANT TO LOOK AT STOCKS ON A SLOW DISPLAY?! And the fact that it will cost $10/mo in a few years? Who is going to pay for that when you can listen to all these apps directly from the phone? I have an Android phone (I'm so alone here!), and the BT for phone and Audio work perfectly. But I cannot get the unit to connect to my phone over BT for internet. the phone shows that the unit is registered for internet, but then the head unit fails to connect. I have not tried the tethering option yet, but I suspect it won't work as I can't seem to find any mention of Android support for that.
Ok..based on all the great info on this thread..I have tried a different way to connect the internet services to my iphone 4s via bluetooth and not the usb cable.. I have a jailbroken iphone 4s and the program MyWi which is available on Cydia...just tether via bluetooth and boom! It connects and works perfect!! This is a way to avoid the AT&T 20 dollars a month tethering plan and still keep my unlimited data plan.. I also noticed you do not have to have the entune app running either. -M
[*]It can't display my text messages or email. I don't even have the option of messaging - in the manual - the navigation manual - for my Prius 3 - Solar roof pkg - page 154 - 'Bluetooth phone messaging' feature - just missing - rather or not my iPhone 4s is paired or not. Just not there - they told me that it would only 'appear' if I paired a 'Blackberry' phone - its just too lame for words.
It is supposed to 'read' your text message to you, and you are 'supposed' to be able to be able to respond with a voice command - thus eliminating texting while driving. There is also 'supposed' to be a quick reply - touching one single button - with responses like "1 'I'm driving - Ill call you later' etc. Too bad none of it works - in fact in my car - there is no messaging feature at all - the option does not even show up. They told me that if I had a blackberry - the messaging feature would 'appear' ...
Entune does have some potential, though... Will have to wait and see what develops... I wish when you use bing you could search for things that aren't destination related.. My passenger or myself should be able to use the screen to surf the web.
Make sure your Entune ID and Password are entered on the vehicle unit and "Remember ID and PWD" are checked. It doesn't seem to ask you for this when logging on and just gives the "Connection Failed" vs. telling you why and giving an opportunity to put in the ID and PWD.
Interesting. Where was that in the Toyota manuals. I didn't see any reference to the Text and Email. Any texting or email function on a car screen is just crazy irresponsible per the traffic injury stats. The "hands free" aspect is problematic as far as making something really dangerous any less dangerous.
Be careful of attracting attention from AT&T. Some folks I know have received messages from AT&T notifying them them that since they are choosing to tether, they were being moved them from their unlimited data plan to the 2GB plan with the 2GB tethering option.
iPhone is a crippled device, and supporting it is evil. Basically you need support for iSomething and then everything else. Why not just support everything else? So they did. This is an Apple problem, and if it doesn't work for you, then you chose the wrong phone. Buy a real smartphone.
Does anyone know if the BlackBerry® Curve 8350i is a compatible phone with Entunes? I checked the compatible phone list and it says this phone has not yet been tested.
I got this from Toyotas website: Pricing for Entune™ [5] Access (post three-year complimentary access period) All new Entune™-equipped Toyota vehicles come with complimentary access to Entune™ apps and data services for three years, active from the point of sale. After three-years of complimentary access, Entune™ users can elect to continue their access to Entune™ apps and/or data services for a monthly access fee: A few questions based on the above: 1.) The three years of free service is active from the time the dealer buys the car or when I bought the car? So even if I don't create an account for entunes and do not use it for a few months I have already cut into my 3 year "comlimentary access"? 2.) After the 3 years "comlimentary access" period do I need to call in if I wish to extend my service or will I be notifed in some way? I understand that in order to access the entunes services you have to download the app to your phone. I have a company phone (BlackBerry® Curve 8350i ) and I'm going to try and download the app when I get home. Hopefully it will let me. I already verified with sprint that the account has unlimited data so all I need to pray for now is that the app is downloadable to the phone!
Dude! Stop! Three years from now is several internet millenia. Who knows if Entunes will even exist at that point. Just use it for the three years, hope Toyota makes a bunch of needed upgrades before anyone would pay for the service. You might want to check with your company about phone usage policies. Driving around listening to high def Pandora can have some serious data usage issues. "Unlimited" data comes with all kinds of limits these days. Your Pandora usage causes provider to throttle back on the companies data access and you might be meeting the boss with the HR rep in the room with a plastic bag.
I'm sorry you're having these issues. The setup on the two model is not too much better, but seems to work fairly well with my Evo 3d android phone. I'm glad I didn't spring for the extra gew-gaws. Instead, I ordered a ram mounting system for my phone. That will be my nav... I find it really cool that you can stick a usb drive in the dashboard and play music from it. You can jam a lot of music on a 16gig thumb drive... I had to disable the info screen because I kept staring at the energy monitor and flipping through all the different screens...
And howls in the wilderness by iPhone wannabes tell us a very different truth. I bought my iPhone to work with my Escape Hybrid. I bought my Prius to work with the iPhone. I'd give up the Prius before I'd give up the iPhone.
I tried the Android (ZTE Warp on Boost Mobile) works great with the EnTune System, actuallyI'm not surprised. I wish my bluetooth supported MAP, so I can do text and emails. So my son has the iPhone 4 (not s) and wow.... I tried to connect to the EnTune system and its was aggervating at best. Toyota needs to make this clear to potential buyers that this system is Not compatable with iPhone. I feel sorry for the 1000's of iPhone owners out there that bought this car with the intentions of using their iPhone
We have the single coolest device evah so don't feel bad for iPhoner's. We smile every time the phone rings. On the Galaxy, does the Prius/Nav read and navigate to the addresses in the Phonebook?