I play music through my Spotify app via Bluetooth. I have made playlists "Available Offline" thus not using 3G/data - sort of like your iTunes music. Does this use data from your cell phone plan? I would think not, but just looking for confirmation. Thanks!
I don't have an exact figure for you, but from what I can find online, people are estimating about 30MB per hour on low quality, and 60MB per hour on high quality (approximately 64kbps and 128kbps respectively). So hopefully you can estimate from those figures.
My iPhone has mobile hotspot (tethering) service with AT&T, and with that, I don't need to run the Entune app for the car to connect to the Internet and start using data services. It just automatically uses Bluetooth to connect to the Internet through the phone. I'm not suggesting you buy a $15/mo service just for that. But in case you already have that service, or if your service provider gives you that for free (I think Sprint does this?), it's something to check out.
You can turn that off... Hmmm, it's under the settings screen, under Bluetooth, then paired devices, then advanced settings or something like that. There are options for "Warn when using data" or something like that. Click those off. The only "warning" screen I get now is when navi comes on and it says to not play with it while driving, and I dont' think you can turn that off.
Well, I'm really REALLY disappointed with the Entune and all of it's capabilities that I can't use. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I sure hope Toyota fixes this fast. I've had my car for only two days and I've spent most of time trying to figure out why the darn Entune isn't working. In my case, with my iPhone 4S plugged in and the Entune app on, I get NOTHING. If I press Pandora, the screen simply says "Loading" for a good 5 minutes then just goes away. iHeart radio....same. What a bummer! I will write to my dealer and to Toyota!
I noticed that as well. Tethering with an iPhone4 with an Internet connection via Bluetooth. But you then need to log into Entunes on the radio. Thank you for the confirmation. I mentioned it once and was told impossible even though it seemed to work fine. Though I still consider Entunes as borderline worthless...
the cable thing may be fixed in a future update and is more of a apple issue then a entune one. what about all the positive aspects not mentioned many other vehicles dont have./??? you can pull up doppler on your car if you choose. nav traffic can guide you around blocked roads due to acciodents shown on the screen the cable keeps your device batery from being drained, so you dont loose power. streaming HD radio stocks movie tickets dinner reservations ect ect etc I understand your frustration with the unit not being user friendly, that because of how much it can actually do. its multi use capability makes it complicated. My own take, it was released to quickly without enough apps or support. the question comes down to this. DO YOU want more out a head unit in your car or less?? if you want less it will become simple as they take away functions if you want more functions it will be harder to use, as they are trying to please everyone not just you when I worked for infiniti we had voice comand FM stations and temp controls down to the degree, when spoken. people would not talk clearly and the unit would not recognize the commands and they were frustrated and complained. problem solved. next year all infiniti's lost all the great voice commands. basically, they took it away due to complaints. I personally dont like it either, but many of my customers do find and use the benifits and love it. Its not for everyone
I'm an iOS developer; here are some thoughts: The iPhone 4s uses a newer Bluetooth spec than most other phones. This could have taken Toyota by surprise. On the other hand, it's supposed to be backwards compatible and I haven't heard of incompatibilities with other systems, so I can't say what the problem is here. This is definitely a limitation of iOS. Apps are severely limited in what they can do in the background. Did you find this? Learning and Support When I test drove, I thought the nav system seemed clunky, so I opted for a level Two and just bought a $10 dashboard mount for my iPhone. The screen is smaller, but the user interface is more intuitive, and I can mix and match apps or update the hardware much more easily than with the built-in system. I don't mean to rub it in, but maybe this will help someone who's still deciding which level to buy.
I'll tread in here. I have AT&T tethering option (extra $$ to AT&T) and Bluetooth Internet works with my iPhone4 with 5.1 and the Display Audio with Nav. So maybe it's an Apple/AT&T issue. Using the Bluetooth Internet, the Entunes app does not need to be running on the phone but you do need to log into Entunes through the radio. None of this was in the documentation. Just sort of stumbled on it...
Re: Backberry issues I remember when blackberry's were a pain in general with bluetooth when it first came out. they were almost useless with BT
I got a 2, I can now throw 1300 on a top notch nav and get aftermarket seat heaters built into my waterproof wet okole seat protectors and wire a 12V controller (haven't confirmed w wet okole on heater specs yet) to the same location as the C4s seat warmer controller and I'll have a much better experience at a lesser cost. I'm glad I got the 2
I just registered at the new toyotaowners.com website, and on the Resources > Manuals page there, they have PDFs of all the manuals including for the navigation and audio systems.
Both kenwood dnx9990Hd and pioneer avicz140bh are out now at around 1300 from authorized resellers ie crutchfield. Dnx9990 has aha radio and two iPhone/iPod inputs plus dual camera front/rear capability I'm leaning to it mainly due to Garmin as gps source http://www.crutchfield.com/S-gREldZGxAR9/p_113DNX9990/Kenwood-Excelon-DNX9990HD.html http://www.crutchfield.com/p_130AVIC140/Pioneer-AVIC-Z140BH.html?tp=20212
The problem w/installing aftermarket head units, stereo equipment, etc. is that now your car becomes a target for break ins. I've had one of my old cars broken into long ago. They stole my stereo and a CD wallet full of mostly retail music CDs. I didn't really want a new car stereo but the one w/that came w/the car died. If there no such thing as car stereo theft, I'd gladly spend a bunch of money to upgrade car stereos.
I hate to say this but my phone (ZTE Warp) on Boost Mobile with the EnTune App and my Prius C seem to like each other. I drive 62 miles each way to work and more than once I listenend to Pandora all the way to work and while listening I had the weather display the radar (refreshed many times) and even used the GPS Maps. The only time I seem to have a problem is I have to close off the EnTune app on my phone and restart it because I will get displayed on the cars HU that "I'm not subscribed to this service" and a phone restart fixes that