I was wanting the remote start accessory added to my Prius II. Problem is although I found a dealer with the car the remote start isn't already installed and when I asked about it the dealer offered to have his "aftermarket" shop put one in for $499. That's less then Toyota's "official" product.. and I was wondering would you guys go aftermarket or stick with Toyota on this one? I know some "official" products work in a less than desired way like the remote start for the Scion xB so I'm thinking aftermarket might not be a bad thing.
In the case of this car, I'd definitely go w/ the Toyota version. I'm not sure an aftermarket version would function properly w/ the immobilizer unit, etc.
I agree... and aftermarket means you would would most likely have 2 key fobs.. The 2009 Honda Accord my mother has is a 'factory' remote start but 2 key fobs because it's actually aftermarket installed at the dealer when ordered (wasn't an option on the Honda site) I'd stick with the Toyota brand
One thing to consider is that the factory remote start has a range of about 90 feet. There are aftermarket units that go out at least 1500 feet, and have positive feedback about the car actually starting. A range of 90 feet generally will not reach the checkout stand in most stores. The remote start has a lot in common with the premium security package. They are both already on all the cars. When you pay your $500, they use a scantool to turn on the function. The remote start also comes with an extra button on the keyfob. If history is any guide, the circuit board inside the ordinary remote has the extra button on it. Only the case is different. This all reminds me of the IBM 360/20 computer. It was available in two speed grades, slow and slower. If you paid to upgrade a slower unit to slow, they removed the slowdown circuit. Pure marketing gimmickry. The less expensive unit actually had more equipment on it.
Picture of Remote and instructions posted here: http://priuschat.com/forums/2010-to...-c-versus-remote-engine-start.html#post856390
So what do they do if you have the remote A/C start with the solar package? I thought it had a dedicated button to start the A/C. Is there really any difference between the remote engine start keyfob and the ordinary one (besides the sticker on it...)?
Uh, read the other thread, but the remote ac starts ac only, using the traction batteries, and cuts off after 3 min. The other starts the engine, which will run ac or heat, depending on what was set when you left the car. Cuts out after 10 min. if you don't open a door.
So there seem to be 3 different SKS keyfobs for the 2010. The remote start version doesn't appear to be any different than the standard one, other than the sticker. The remote A/C version has an extra button. So what if you want to add the remote start accessory to your car that already has remote A/C? I'm betting that the remotes are all the same inside, but the remote A/C version has the extra button. Take apart any of them and they'll all have the A/C button on the circuit board.
I'm hoping that somebody might read this seeing as how this is a relatively dormant thread. I just bought a 2011 Prius and my wife a 2011 Highlander Limited. I clearly have the longer commute (about 8x longer) and needed something good on gas. When I was at the dealership I asked about remote start for her car (also keyless ignition) and they told me that the aftermarket system works with the existing key fob where the genuine toyota does not. However, I don't believe that anything done at the dealer is the most cost effective way to have anything done (although I did let them do my XM and Bluetooth - it was negotiated). The question is, does anybody know of an aftermarket solution that I can have somebody install? I'd actually take it to the dealer if they were the only option, but since this is supposed to be a suprise birthday gift - I need somebody who can install on the weekends, and the dealer cannot. Hence I'm here looking for an alternative, but I don't even know what to buy. Hoping you friendly prius people can help - I'm assuming its the same aftermarket starter.
The Toyota OEM remote start will only work from 70 feet and it will start the car for 10 min max. You can restart the car after 10 minutes once and after that the car will not remote start. I had the OEM unit and had it removed and a Viper remote start installed. It works from 1 mile away. I have a smartphone app that will start the car from anywhere in the world. Using the remote start I can now run the car for 60 minutes. I also can leave the car running and lock the doors if I run into a store real fast and want the car to stay warm or cold. You do not need to leave the FOB in the car. The sensors on the door still work.
I had a 2010 with the factory remote starter. Every other car I ever had had a compustar with a callback. I always used the compustar & I only used the Toyota a few times. The range on the Toyta sucks & if you are not looking right at the car you have no was of knowing if the thing started. Try a local car audio company to see what they have. The range on the compustar (or most others I assume) was easily 25 TIMES farther & you had a callback on the remote that would inform you of a start.
When we bought our v3, the dealer said that they would install the Toyota remote start if we really wanted it but they recommended an aftermarket unit. This was based on customer feedback. Much further range and more customization is possible. It works fine with the SKS and is two-way. That is, an led flashes on the remote when the car starts. Range is supposedly 1500'. So far, no complaints.
Recently had an aftermarket remote starter installed (not at the dealer) Tested out fine when i picked it up, but soon realized it only remote starts if the car has been started and shut off within the last min. Viper responder 1- installed at a reputable shop, cost about 550 installed. Needless to say i have another appointment to get it reinstalled correctly.
There is no new fob with factory remote start. We just install the kit and program it to the car, fobs don't change, just add a sticker to them.
I'm interested in putting an engine starter in my Prius (I used to have one in my 4Runner that I traded in) and I was interested in a Viper that lets you start the car with your phone. Do I have to lose a key to be able to use an aftermarket engine starter?
The shop that installed ours said that you no longer lose a key when installing an autostart since they now have a programmable module which simulates the key. None of the SKS features were lost after the installation.
I had an AstroStart installed and it was a bit under $500 installed. 2-way, 1500' range and the module simulating the key. The Viper was more expensive but had more range.
Thanks for your response. You said that you did not lose any of the SKS functionality right? So you were still able to walk up to the door with our smart key and be able to open a locked door by touching the handle? I read in some other thread that this functionality was lost when a remote start was added and that you had to use the unlock button on the key to get into the car. I'll try to find the thread, I could have just been reading it wrong.