hey everyone! it's been a long long time since i've been able to check in and keep up with you all. i'm slow to respond to messages, i only log in every couple of weeks at best, and my most recent activity was to tell (on the Gen2 main forum) about how i had to fight with the dealership and my insurance company to get my transaxle replaced. (road debris damage, it was not so fun.) we're great! just incredibly busy. not only are we in that early-career-building phase where work seems to demand so much from us both, but now we've also been tasked with preparing for the upcoming birth of our son. lemme tell ya, kicking nice person at work has been a lot harder for the last 7+ months, but i'm doing it. we've almost finished our preparations at home, which offers some peace of mind. we decided last fall it was time to replace our beloved ES250 after ~6 years of loyal service. we found a fixer-upper (of course) early model IS300. now that he's done a lot of work under the hood, it feels like DH's car and he really enjoys it. now we're starting to ponder what's next... do we stay in metro DC after this year, or try somewhere new? i'm thinking we might be inclined to settle down once the little one arrives, but it hinges on both of us finding longer-term work here. science careers are anything but stable!
Hello, old friend! :hug: You may have been gone, but you weren't forgotten. It's great to hear you're doing well, and exciting to know you'll soon be parents. Say hi to DH for me. And DB.
However much time you can spend here, it is informative for the rest of us. We miss you, but more importantly, we wish you well.
Hey! No worries. We appreciate any time you can give to us, however small. Say hi to DH for us! and I wish you a joyous delivery!
I miss you guys!!! I didn't even know about the little one. How exciting! I'm guessing you will name him Justin.
No offense, but I'm guessing not. Whatever the new little Priuschat member's name is, I'd suspect it won't be public information. Just like DH (Da Hubby?), we can call him DB (Da Baby)
Hi galaxee! It's great to see you on here. I hope all goes well with you and the family. Best wishes, and keep in touch as time permits.
thanks for the well wishes everyone! we do miss the community around these parts. life sure is an adventure... we try to make it back here when we can, but the little bit of together time that we get usually doesn't end up on priuschat! yeah, the little one's name (which we haven't even had time to choose yet, we really should get to that) won't be public information. but there is a naming tradition DH wants to follow, so it won't be a name that starts with J. sorry, Justin, we know we've let you down