Hi Guys I am in the process of removing the right rear tire & the lug nuts are really tough to break loose, & I am wondering if they loosen to the left or right ? None are lose as of right now. Anyone ??
To loosen turn counter-clockwise, ie: with the wrench handle above the nut you push it left.. This is the usual direction, and virtually any nut or bolt will work this direction. I think it's refererred to as "right hand" thread. Left hand threads are very rare, and will be labelled. You might try a longer wrench, usually called a breaker bar, for more torque advantage. A six faced socket will be less likely to round-off the nut. A quick jolt will sometimes help to break it loose, start with a bit of pressure and then suddenly put all your weight on it. Break them loose with the car on the floor, and the parking brake on, as this will prevent back and forth rocking. Raise the car (securely) before loosening completely.
use the wrench in the trunk as it will be an exact fit for your oem lug nuts, I usually start them while the car is on the ground by putting the wrench on almost parallel to the ground and stomping on it with one foot. righty tighty, lefty loosy. Very few exceptions to this rule, lawnmower blades i think are one of the exceptions. since you are having trouble removing the lug nuts you may be tempted to put something on the threads to make removal next time easier; such as anti-seize, DO NOT DO THIS!!!
Thanks to both of you !! While waiting for a reply, I went to the garage & found a pipe to use as a breaker bar & gently tried until one of the lugs broke loose & I knew at that point that it was a lefty loosie. All of the advise from both of you was GREAT !! From what I learned today, I'd suggest that everyone who might be changing a tire on their Prius, carry about a 2' metal pipe in your trunk area to use as a breaker bar - when needed. And, aside from changing a tire, you never know when you might need/want one. Thanks again for the quick help offered !!!! Bill in FL
the torque spec of the prius and other similar small toyotas should be 76 foot pounds, most shops around here use 80 foot pounds which is just fine by me. You shouldn't require a breaker bar, either the last shop you used way over-tightened them or your bolts are rusted, you should address these issues by not going back to the shop if they indeed overtightened them, or replacing any rusted bolts on the hub of the entire car which I assure you is not a fun thing to do, and it appears you may not have the mechanical know-how to do so.
Rather than that long section of pipe, I keep one of those "star" wrench deals in my trunk. It does a variety of lug nut sizes, and it also helpful if you play good citizen when you see someone struggling. I've only struggled once with lug nuts, and even my 175 lb frame jumping on the wrench wouldn't budge it. Someone way over torqued them. Typically, that 4 way (star) wrench and consistent pressure with it will knock them loose. If I'm at home, I use my air compressor to loosen the lug nuts, but I *always* hand tighten them to 76 lbs per my torque wrench.
I am familiar with that reminder, but thought way back to when I worked in a garage & then the tires on the right on the vehicle you had to tighten the lugs to the left. As I remenber. Many years ago !! Thanks to all !! Bill in FL