Hi I have a 2012 Prius C II my question is why is that when I press the Fob key to Lock/Unlock I only get a flashing light. (Headlights) there is no sound at all. How do I activate it so it flashes and have sound? Thanks
If the c honked the horn every time it was locked or unlocked I'd desperately be looking for some way to make it stop. Use the "panic mode" button if you like to make noise with the remote.
it's not supposed to have sound.. the package 3-4 does with the smart key though for the reasons so the smart key owner knows when the cars lock and unlock.. but for package 1 and 2.. there are buttons. i actually prefer the car not to make any annoying sounds when i lock/unlock my vehicle.
Aw, this will be my first car with a remote, and I wish it made a little honk when locking. It's just kind of satisfying, and it's nice if you've walked away from the car and are second-guessing whether you locked it. Oh well. I'm sure I'll love the car just the same.
Just watch for the lights - they will flash when it is locking (at least it does on my old Prius, I don't have my C yet). I personally can't stand the cars that honk the horn when locking/unlocking - especially on my residential street.