hey everyone. I know I am joining late in the game of "eco hybrid" cars, but none the less joining . just finished up my undergrad and starting my grad this fall so wife and I just picked up a MY12 prius C option two and a MY12 Prius two. looking foward to keep you all posted on our progress towards a better fuel savings. The previous cars owned are as followed to explain the name: 93 mercury topaz (first car) turbo rsx type s 320whp best 1/8 mile 8.5sec evolution IX built and tuned 500whp best 1/8 mile 7.5sec nissan 240sx built caged and swapped in LS6 corvette Z06 weight 1900lbs whp550 trq530 best 1/8 mile 7sec hyundai elantra touring SE so ya racer gone eco :rockon:.
Hybrids are far from mainstream, so you are ahead of the game! Welcome to Prius Chat, I hope you enjoy your Prius as much as I do mine!
Did you keep any of your other vehicles? I tend to think someone so obviously enchanted with lap times and speed, will become disenchanted with the Eco Hybrid car game. I'm mean you bought Two Prius...that's jumping in with both feet. But what happens 3 months for now when the itch to "Drive Fast" starts to return? I think you need a "project" weekend....fast car. Otherwise the pendelum will swing back the other way, and you'll end up Exiting the Hybrid Eco car game as quickly as you entered it. You can't go cold turkey like that.....
I haven't become disenchanted with the hybrid gas mileage game. Like the OP I sold off a list of high HP machines when I got my Prius. Getting a high mpg tank is not much different than getting a low ET or high MPH at the drag strip.
F8L is exactly right. I have had power and find the Prius gives similar rewards but in other ways. I find myself playing the mpg game even though the difference between 46 mpg and 52 mpg is only a few hundred $ a year.
I'm glad the OP has bought two Prius. But I tend to think someone who keeps the best 1/8 mile times of his previous vehicles? Might just want to keep more than one Pony in the stable. I mean really, I think commiting to Prius and being "Eco" shouldn't necessarily mean you never race again. I don't think there is anything wrong with having a "weekend" vehicle or hobby vehicle. It's better than buying a Prius....then having backlash later. It's just a suggestion, not a knock on being Eco concious or Prius.
F8l basically said it with receiving the rewards of playing the MPG game lol. the_electric_me i didnt really quit cold turkey becuase i was a transistion into the hyundai elantra touring i think that was a huge deciding factor for me to get into the hybrid game. That and the amount of time and money i was sinking into my cars was just absurd. It seemed like parts came at 4k price tags and involved many nights and weekends under the car. I do get that itch every so often but knowing that there is always someone faster out there really helped me realize i could use my time and money for other things
dont get me wrong maybe after getting the vehicles paid down and completing my MBA i will have the excess funds to get another crotch rocket but until then i feel i will be content with spending $90 a month on fuel instead of $200. spiderman my wife will be driving the C and i will be driving the 3rd gen
You hit the nail on the head, man. All the money we spent chasing other, richer, people at the drag strip seems like such a waste in retrospect. Granted there were good times associated with the money. It's still nothing like having invested in a house and/or awesome vacations.
That's fine. Enjoy your Prius. Or should I say multiple Prii? I'm still going to bet, that at some point within the next 12 months you find yourself clicking around Craigslist, looking for some "bargain" vehicle that you can start fixing up and make faster....
I'm not sure why you keep insisting this. It's been 6 years for me and I have not once looked or even considered another race car. I've got almost 20 years of racing in my past!
Because this person's FIRST post in Prius Chat, included the 1/8 mile times for his past vehicles.... That suggests to me that conciously or subconciously this person ISN'T past the racing stage. Why does my suggestion that the OP consider KEEPING his Prius, but also the hobby of racing- bother you so much? Just because YOU have moved on? Doesn't mean everyone else should. Could I be wrong? Is it even really any of my business? Yes, I could be wrong...and No ultimately it isn't any of my business. Trust Me? I'm 45 years old. It's a good age to discover that what you enjoy and dreams you have "change". I'm NOT insulted if the OP never set's his accelerator foot in a regular ICE vehicle ever again. It's purely up to the OP. But I think some Prius supporters think it has to be "All or Nothing".... Reading the OP's original post? Reading not so much between the lines? I just wanted to remind the OP that owning a Prius and going "Eco" doesn't necessarily mean you HAVE to shun every other type of locomotion, even racing for speed, for the rest of your life. A year from now, The OP could post a thread entitled ECO gone RACER....and I think that would be fine....
I think Racer just means he is going to use the Prius cars more for the general commuting. Doesn't mean people will give up their recreational type cars for other times. But it also means less wear and tear on the fun vehicles if they aren't committed to going to work and easier on the pocket fuel wise. Of course, he will still have to drive it once in a while, but even then, doesn't mean he has to make it become a major money sink either.
F8l and the electric me, you both have very valid points in that yes a person can in fact go without racing again and yes a person can still hold onto the racing asperations. However, one thing that is common between owning a race car and owning a hybrid car is competition amongst other owners. Hybrid car owners just compete in the MPG game where as racers compete lap ET. I will still have a passion for racing and will perform an ocassional engine swap for a buddy or two. but dumping money into my car is a thing of the past for now as my direction of thinking has "evolved" to a more long term mind set.
also as a side note the eletric me: I 100% agree with your comment (But I think some Prius supporters think it has to be "All or Nothing"....). Before i began looking into prius's, or prii , I had the missconception of all or nothing. But by cruising this site i realized that its not a black and white either you are a prius owner/lover or you are not. There are many people on here that still maintain a "it's my car and i enjoy it becuase of..." mental whereas other sites/car owners are very gungho (sp?) about either your "one of them" or your not. so this site really helped me decide to go for it as i read other's reviews in the eyes of real world commuters and the so called "hypermilling" users.
How to tell when Hypermileing has eclipsed using less gas. 1) You are driving to attend MPG competitions 2) You drive further to use a route that gets higher MPG 3) You buy accessories that cost more than they can ever save you in fuel economy. 4) You consider owning a second car so short trips do not bring down the Prius MPG. 5) You have a Fuelly Sig for your lawnmower Do you have any of these warning signs? We have a 12 step process to help cure your addiction!
You can rent track bikes (motorcycles) as part of some performance riding school programs. So would a "rent-a-dragracer" business model work?
sadly keiichi i do not have anymore toys but the memories from those car (as well as many racing video's lol) will last much longer than the cars themselves. here is a vid before i finished the body work and what not. LS1 widebody 240sx - YouTube
lol loving those warning signs of hypermileing. also they actaully have those "rent-a-dragster" (well not dragsters but track cars) at those driving schools/track days in certain states. Granted I would never pay to drive a car for an hour . but they do have those types of services.