First time on this board as my father just gave me his 2005 with 90,000 miles. When the AC indicator is for all 4 vents the only vents blowing air are the two on the outside but the defrost vents are also blowing. No matter what we change we cannot get all four vents to blow nor can we get the defrost to stop while the AC is on. Thanks in advance for your help. this image is from a 2008 so it looks slightly different but you want to make sure the buttons saying "front" and "rear" near the bottom are off. I would also make sure "auto" is off and that the picture with a single horiontal arrow pointing to the head is selected.
You may have a problem with the evaporator box. That has a bunch of actuators on it and they have a tendency to fail/break.
I tried each button last night and the middle vents never work. When the selector is on vents to the face the outer vents and the defrost are on. When the selector is on vents to the face and the floor the outer vents and the defrost are on. When the selector is on just the floor the same outer vents and defrost are on. When the selector is on defrost the defrost works. What is this "actuator" you mentioned? Can I replace it? Thanks again.
I have the same problem on my '01. The actuator box mentioned by Seilerts is behind the dash in the center and it is a b**ch to get to. You can see the actuators from the drivers side and you can even remove the servos. I removed the servos and manually moved the actuators to various positions but could never get air out of the center vents. The next step for me would be to remove the air duct control assy (not sure of the proper name but I think its called evap box) to see if something is blocking the movement of the valve flaps. I chose not to do it because it would mean removing the entire dash. It seems you have the same problem as me.
I can hear something moving in the dash when the selector is changed but the blender never moves. I can move the blender a little bit by hand and can start to feel air coming out the bottom vents. Now I wonder if it is possible to remove the arm attatched to the blender and then position the blender so that all four face vents will operate?
There's only one way to tell: Try it. As I stated, it didn't work for me but I probably have a rodent nest or something in the evap box (who knows). It never worked when I bought it and I haven't been able to fix it yet (because I'm too lazy). In my case I'm nearly certain that the valves in the evap box are blocked by something. I might just take this on this weekend (on second thought, naaaahh).
I hate to ask this question, but are the vents turned on? Underneath the vent is the rotary wheel that opens and closes the vent. I did not see you mention you checked them.
just solved the center vent problem on my 2005! while laying upside down with my head near the brake pedal had my daughter switch the controls from front defrost to floor then to front vents. this order of switching should bring the arm with the pin down one position each time. it worked for the first switch but wouldn't complete the second movement. i wedged my hand up there and helped it slightly and it went with a slight crunching sound. i believe there is trash in the grooves of the white plastic and should be able to clean it out and lubricate it enough to work.